Comments on: 7 Tips to Help You Let Go of Someone and Move Forward Fri, 29 Dec 2023 15:37:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Hugo Huijer Mon, 24 Jul 2023 18:43:33 +0000 In reply to dani.

Hi Dani,

Thanks for sharing this with us. Is this something you’ve talked about with the people close to you (like your boyfriend)? If this sounds hard, this might be a good thing to talk about with a professional.

>i find myself debating on if it’s even morally right to subject people to my love

Absolutely. It would be a shame to restrict your love in any way. Don’t give up on yourself.

By: dani Mon, 17 Jul 2023 23:12:33 +0000 i’m 18 and have bpd. it truly feels like no matter what i do i will always love the wrong way. it feels like i constantly have to convey my emotions in ways that put people through the pain that i feel. even if that means hurting them in the moment. while i don’t have bad intentions behind it, i still find myself feeling so wretched and evil, it feels like i’m constantly miles away from everyone especially partners in terms of emotions. my heart yearns for my boyfriend to understand why i’m feeling the way i do 99.9% of the time but i know no one will ever be able to feel the emotional severity of emotional pain casually like i do. i find myself debating on if it’s even morally right to subject people to my love, or if i should just venture off alone. i can feel my emotions and feelings for my boyfriend withering away after every blow up i hear and i feel like it’s mutual between us. i miss what we were like 3 months ago. i miss getting that first text from him and feeling ecstatic. but now i feel like i’m hollowing out our relationship and leaving nothing but a husk.

By: Hugo Huijer Fri, 28 Oct 2022 23:54:44 +0000 In reply to Eddie T.

Hi Eddie,

Thanks for sharing this. This is a truly difficult situation with no easy solution, I’m afraid. For what it’s worth (and take this with a grain of salt, consider this is as nothing more than internet advice from a random stranger), try to answer this: could you both be happier if you decide to split up?

I hope you’ll figure it out.

By: Eddie T Thu, 27 Oct 2022 09:29:37 +0000 I’ve been married 28 years and find myself no longer wanting or desiring my wife. I still love her deeply but she is noticing my lack of attentiiveness. I see and feel her hurting. She is fighting to keep us together, but I don’t know if my feelings will ever return. Along with that I am suffering with ED. Not sure what to do. Should I let her go , so I can no longer hurt her. Suffering and in Pain what can I do?
