Comments on: 5 Ways to Leave the Past in the Past (And Live A Happier Life) Sun, 16 Apr 2023 09:17:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Hugo Huijer Sun, 16 Apr 2023 09:17:14 +0000 In reply to Mark.

Thanks for your thoughtful reply, Mark. I’ve reached out to you via email. 🙂

It sucks that people can sometimes take advantage of someone’s kindness. I hope you’re able to leave the past in the past, and that you can enjoy music without this experience haunting you…

Thanks again for commenting!

All the best,


By: Mark Sun, 16 Apr 2023 04:23:14 +0000 I was not great at school.
Algebra, Chemistry, Arithmetic etc; were alien to me. I had no concept of what these things meant and how they might improve my life.
I was, however, very good at drumming. Before I had my first lesson I knew exactly what to do on the drum kit.
I could play the drums even before I had a real drum kit.
My first kit was made up of kitchen stools, cushions and knitting needles.
I played that for about a year before my parents bought me a proper drum kit.
Finally, I was there, doing and understanding a subject that I knew I excelled at and understood completely.
I was about 11 going on 12 years old.
I drummed and drummed and got better and better, despite having broken my wrist when I was about 9.
But there was an unforeseen problem in the distance which wouldn’t become obvious for another 10 or so years.

That was my naivety in putting my trust in other people.
I believed that if I worked hard I would reap the benefits.
The problem was, I was working towards my own goals, not realising that I was actually just a convenience for everyone else’s goals.

Without going into great detail, let’s just say my experience in putting my complete and utter trust in others ended up with me being duped out of a lot of money.
I lost all my confidence in myself and the treacherous music industry and the friends I had trusted.

The experience still haunts me to this day and I haven’t played the drums professionally, or at all, for around 40 years.

It also made me realise that one has to be very careful when choosing friends.

It’s an experience I wish I hadn’t gone through.

Consequently, I no longer consider those people friends.
