Comments on: 9 Tips to Stop Beating Yourself Up (& be At Peace With Yourself) Sun, 21 May 2023 10:58:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Hugo Huijer Sun, 21 May 2023 10:58:21 +0000 In reply to Chris.

Very happy to hear that our content has been of help, Chris. Thanks for sharing!

By: Chris Sat, 20 May 2023 01:13:43 +0000 This is helpful! I made a (relatively) minor mistake with my newly exclusive girlfriend and have been mentally beating myself to a pulp for the last day! She and I talked about it already, and she’s still my girlfriend! It wasn’t a HUGE mistake, and yet that inner voice can be pretty damn relentless. This article, along with my therapist, is starting to help me cut through the self-hatred I have.

By: Hugo Huijer Sun, 16 Apr 2023 09:09:34 +0000 In reply to Denzel.

Thanks for sharing with us, Denzel. You’re right, you’re only human and everybody makes mistakes sometimes. C’est la vie. 🙂 As long as you learn from it, you move on to become a stronger person.

I’m happy you found our content helpful!


By: Denzel Thu, 13 Apr 2023 17:33:30 +0000 Yesterday at work we wrapped up running a promotion for one of our Clients here. I do Marketing, so pretty much the whole promotion I had to execute on my own. When it came to pulling the top 3 buyers, that was no problem. It was posting to social and letting know our followers who won was the issue. In our Marketing meeting this past Friday, we talked abut this and also an email was sent out by the Dealer Service Manager on how she would like the winners to be announced. I was so overwhelmed by this promotion, a mobile sale that we had just got done with on Tuesday, and my weekly/daily duties that I still had to get done, that I had completely forgot how to announce the winners on our social. I went into the Dealer Service Manager’s office and asked her how she would like to announce the winners. She got mad at me and just told me to talk to my Marketing Manager who I report directly to. I guess the Dealer Service Manager got tied of saying over and over how she wanted to announce the winners (it was only twice) but I completely dropped the ball on this by making it seem like I had no clue what was going on and seeming very unprepared. Eventually, everything was posted to social and the winners notified, but not without talking to both the Dealer Service Manager and my Marketing Manager. After it was all done, I completely felt like a failure and felt like I was complete trash. I was very sad and could feel myself slipping into a depressing state. I stumbled across the article and read the whole thing. I am glad that I have found some comfort and accepting what happened and realizing that I have done so much more for this company Marketing wise than this little mistake and also that I am not alone. I am also not Superman, but an imperfect human who sometimes makes mistakes. I surely learned for this and am hoping not to make this same mistake again. With a strong support system to help keep me from making mistakes in general I feel empowered and more comfortable to keep doing the bomb job that I currently am doing.
