Comments on: 5 Ways to Stop Being Cynical (and Why It’s so Important!) Mon, 17 Jul 2023 16:41:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kristy Mon, 17 Jul 2023 16:41:44 +0000 I’m sitting in chapel wondering what’s wrong with me… my negativity is effecting me at work and home severely. I thought of cynicism and immediately tried to find something on it. Your article resonated with me….that’s what’s wrong. And I relate to a previous post that it seems to get worse with age. I have got to change my outlook on life, this is not who I want to be. Thanks for the tips…putting then to work NOW.

By: Kristian Sun, 26 Mar 2023 15:23:43 +0000 My cynicism is telling me that these steps are difficult and, even if I could find a way to motivate myself to do them, I would fail.

By: Shawn Wed, 28 Dec 2022 09:18:04 +0000 I’m so cynical, I laughed when you said “people are innately good and have my best interests at heart”.
I struggle a lot with a lot and it bleeds heavy into my marriage/ friendships ..

By: Diane Aurelius Thu, 22 Dec 2022 18:15:39 +0000 Good morning, thank you for being there. I recognize that I have negative thinking, or perhaps it’s just cynicism brewing in one aspect of that… Sometimes I just feel that wisdom is understanding the positive and negative in all things. Not sure if cynicism is my problem but at times I definitely Can become more cynical about life and people especially as I age. My original question had to do with aging and cynicism -are they linked in someway. I find as I age I’m less patient, I have less filters, and I’m more cynical about the human race. I chalk it up to experience. Is that cynical? Or becoming more of a realist and less naïve? I actually think that’s the truth as well… Anyway, you have inspired me to go out for a hike today! A place where people walk their dogs. Either way it’s going to be of help! Thank you

By: Kate Sun, 09 Oct 2022 13:59:09 +0000 Kate - giving Thanks at Thanksgiving!!]]> thanks Ali.
I had an aha moment in the early hours of today- realizing my cynicism, and resulting self isolation, was a barrier to my aspiration to becoming part of an intentional community. Then I find your write up before my eyes – and IM off down the recovery road: self reflecting and making an action plan!

in gratitude! 🙏 Kate

– giving Thanks at Thanksgiving!!
