Comments on: Eat Green, Be Happy: New Study Finds Vegans Are Happier Tue, 27 Jun 2023 18:12:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mike Slater Tue, 27 Jun 2023 18:12:28 +0000 I have been vegan for some 38 years now. Initially I went vegetarian some 44 years ago over animal welfare and vegan due to a cheese allergy. Over time I felt happier and happier as the myths over protein were dismissed. Also the case for the environment and the impact of intensive farming became ever more evident over time. I tried avoiding leather at one point but found shoes difficult to source although there are more options now. I am nearly 70 now, yet remain very healthy with little in the way of aging effects which has been a bonus. The only caveat being, watch B12 levels, a deficiency can have a very negative effect on the nervous system. Take supplements would be my advice, to anyone going vegan and watch out for yellowing skin.

By: Luana Mon, 04 Apr 2022 18:01:50 +0000 Love the article! I’m vegan and feel happier to see it. Thanks for sharing.

By: DAVID JONATHAN GARRIS ESQUIRE Fri, 30 Jul 2021 11:26:50 +0000 🐶🐶]]> The correlation between why is people that choose animal rights = less happy is because we make a conscious decision daily to acknowledge the horrors of torture that other innocent sentient beings endure because religious fanatics have been brainwashing people to believe that a human cannot live a healthy life without eating other life forms. Meat-eaters will be shown to have an overall lower IQ, and are more self-centered, macho, and believe that the sole reason that animals exist is for us to kill them. They also believe that the earth is here for the sole purpose of exploitation. Dirt bike, monster trucks, utvs, speed boats, etc. Statistics can be construed to show whatever one wants. True veganism is NOT just a diet. It’s an entirely different way of viewing life on this earth. I’ll bet in further research you will find a larger proportion of vegans just happen to be atheists and vice versa. Also non-heterosexual, minimalist, champions for equality, the environment, and preservation of this earth. With all of this on our agenda, vs non-caring, selfish, self-absorbed, self-centered, meat-eating cavemen, is it really any wonder why we might be just a tad less happy ? 🐶🐶🐶
