Comments on: Sociopaths: Can They be Happy? (What Does it Mean to Be One?) Sat, 28 Jan 2023 23:48:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Hugo Huijer Tue, 23 Aug 2022 21:19:45 +0000 In reply to Bill.

Hi Bill,

Thanks for sharing this! I hope you are able to deal with this situation the best way possible, and that a better understanding of sociopaths will help you with it.

By: Bill Sun, 31 Jul 2022 23:50:10 +0000 My wife of 40+years has never excepted my offspring’s by a previous marriage, neither have she fully embraced my siblings. Along this line of thinking, i do not expect her to.-on second though, i do expect her to allow some kind of a sportive relationship simply because we have children who share the same blood with my siblings as i do. To cut through the chase, she often accuse me of not liking her siblings and somehow feels as though i place my children and sibling on a higher pedestal than hers, which is just not true. However, she expects me to reach out to her family with open arms, which i do, but she never has returned the same in reverse. She has never shown any real affection to me or my children or sibling. At this point i could care less because i am satisfied that i am married to Sociopath

By: Rashmeth Donthineni Tue, 14 Jun 2022 02:55:26 +0000 In reply to Peter.

Your sister killing your fish is nasty, but you got away easy. Below is what happens if you are never helped to escape people like your sister. If you have a weak stomach do not read further.
Both my sister & mother are sociopaths & my father was negligent. Due to the abuse & neglect, I have psychiatric problems and have been physically crippled. Dad refused medical attention and died to escape, but first extracted a promise that I would take care of both, thereby forcing me to revisit my childhood abuse. I have taken care of them, taken their abuse, and in my sister’s case theft of large quantities of $. I am now so sick I can’t walk, and so psychologically sick I can’t protect myself- how does someone protect themselves from an elderly person in assisted living? Caregivers are incapable of caring for her due to her behavior. My sister, only interested in money, manipulates me even when I know she’s doing it. They are slowly killing me either by refusing to allow me to set things up so I can walk, or by manipulating me because I am “devoted” to their care through my need to keep the family fianances going. I have disconnected myself from them for the past few days by making it impossible for them to reach me. This is not a Ling-term solution. I have no one willing to help me because of my own psych problems and because no one wants to get involved with such a mess, & rightly so. That leaves me alone to slowly drown in their abusive uncaring milieux, with my sister’s plans to leave me penniless when my mother dies and no one to help me get away. I sincerely do not wish to die. My ambition is to help others before they end up like me. I welcome any advice.

By: Coast Wed, 20 Jan 2021 01:08:47 +0000 In reply to Michael Davis.

In my opinion, my parents were not the most understanding and the most emotionally nurturing in the way that I needed. I didn’t feel as if I fit in anywhere and due to anxiety I didn’t attend many events and if I did I feel like I was trying a bit harder to get people to like me and I wanted to make sure that people around me were happy. I disliked seeing people upset when I was younger, as a result, I forget about my own emotional needs and I tried to make people happy to my expense and I never got to appropriately express my emotion. I’m a Bisexual male that was closeted for years so I believe I got accustomed to hiding parts of who I am. I eventually ended up with a narcissist for years and I gave up most of the morals and values I have because I just wanted to feel alive and the feeling was too good. I felt empty and felt I was abused by a narcissist, flash forward I was with someone I believed was my soulmate and I felt I was still hiding parts of who I am when I was around his friends/family to be the best version of myself but I always wanted to express my emotions properly I just didn’t know how. I feel like I relate to sociopaths and I can avoid pain and emotions for a good while but then after a day or two of being manic and overwhelming myself I end up feeling way too much and Its crippling and too often. I don’t believe all sociopaths are the same, and the way I feel is not the same as a sociopath because I care too much but I just believe that my emotions become too much to deal with and people don’t always accept me for it. It gets so bad about two times a week that I just want to commit suicide but I don’t. Ive been in therapy for a year and a half and I still miss my ex and trying to find myself.

By: Hugo Huijer Fri, 20 Nov 2020 14:01:12 +0000 In reply to Peter.

I’m glad that the information has helped you. Best of luck!

By: Peter Thu, 19 Nov 2020 13:14:43 +0000 At last I have a label to describe my older sister’s behaviour towards me – something that has persisted all my life. When I was a child she switched off the heating to some tropical fish I was keeping – killing them all, she framed me to appear as though I was a thief with my grandparents – I could go on. But she fits all of the categories of a sociopath. Knowing this at least gives me some kind of closure.

By: Michael Davis Wed, 18 Nov 2020 04:30:22 +0000 In my unfounded opinion environmental factors create this disproportionate balance between empathy and callousness with usually not enough at if stake to tip the scale. It begins early in childhood when emotionally abandoned by their parents and as a result wire their brains to avoid emotional pain in relationships. This manifests itself in the protective measure of distancing themselves from the societal norms that involve emotions since to appear to fit in a requires a balance between interacting with people while not putting themselves in a position that will blow their cover which will inevitably result if the situation calls for some extreme emotions.This is how they cope in relationships. They know they are deficient in this area and will adjust their behavior as called for by the situation at hand. They are all over the place. It’s like a sailboat with the changing wind while trying to remain even keel. They will pull anything out of the hat to maintain their persona. It’s almost comical. You can’t take anything they say seriously and they know it and they know you know it. It’s another feather in their cap every time they can pull off this stunt and keep their invincibility until the safety net gets pulled and they can’t jump off the building thinking they can fly anymore. The more empathetic you are the more of a feeding frenzy they will have. It’s like a little kid in a candy store. They have no ability to measure cause and effect and when things don’t go their way it can esculent quickly and even result in violence because rational at that stage can be thrown out the window while knowing all along their ability to remorselessly justify their actions regardless of the consequences to you and even themselves. It like a drunk person attempting to drive home. Logic will be to no avail since they already know they are abnormal. This is the only way they know how to swim and refuse to learn another way in fear of drowning.
