Comments on: 7 Examples of Self-Awareness (and Why It’s so Important) Sun, 15 Oct 2023 13:55:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Deborah Aribo Sun, 13 Jun 2021 17:05:01 +0000 ]]> Cool stuff out there, whoa It’s an eye-opener to my emotions and what triggers them. Thanks, Hugo Huijer, for this. 💫

By: Hugo at Tracking Happiness Fri, 01 May 2020 07:20:29 +0000 In reply to Betty Jean.

Thanks, Betty, I’m glad you found the article helpful!

By: Betty Jean Thu, 30 Apr 2020 09:11:39 +0000 I want to heal completely about my trauma and as I read your self awareness I feel comfortable please need to know about myself to live happy

By: Jose Toussaint Thu, 19 Dec 2019 02:18:20 +0000 I love your post. Thank you for spreading happiness 🙂

By: Joaquin Romolor Sun, 15 Sep 2019 12:42:53 +0000 My dad name is happy, and when I tell people I’m junior happy they really get a kick out of it because they think I’m a hilarious joker.

By: Hugo at Tracking Happiness Sun, 14 Jul 2019 11:35:04 +0000 In reply to Chris brown.


Thanks for sharing this with me, I can understand that this is really challenging. Have you tried daily journaling, to just write down what you’re feeling and how you’re experiencing things? Putting things on paper can have a really positive effect on your mental health.

Also, have you tried talking to someone about this in person, whether that’s family, friends or a therapist? If not, then this would probably be my first suggestion. 🙂

All the best and if you ever want to talk more, let me know at

By: Chris brown Sun, 14 Jul 2019 03:39:49 +0000 Hello, Hugo.

I’ve had a very troubling past, via bullies mentally and physically, since then I’ve taken the physical factor away by not only graduating but learning to protect my self. It’s taken alot for me to see that I can’t change what has happened in my past, but that I can only use it as fuel to do better in life, my new profound issue is staying self aware of my life choice and staying focused on what needs to happen vs impulse life choices, to fill the void of my past of not feeling wanted or appreciated for the knowledge I do have. Any suggestions on getting started on the right path?

By: Hugo at Tracking Happiness Sun, 30 Dec 2018 12:10:58 +0000 In reply to Jae.

Hi Jae,

I just saw your comment come up as I was working on the site and wanted to reply straight away. What I want to say is maybe corny or cliche, but try to not let your past define your future. It sounds like you have a lot of potentially good things happening (being with kids + grandkids, nearing retirement).

You made the decision to move away from your family in 2005 and from what I’m reading that’s the main reason you’re feeling unhappy at the moment. But the good thing about that is that this distance is something you can overcome. It may sound drastic, but don’t you think moving would be the most straightforward solution to your problem? Move back to your family and spend more time with them? It’s never too late.

It sounds like you have an idea of how you can tackle your issues. Being aware of it is half the battle, now you can start working towards a better future.

I wish you all the best, and if there’s anything I can do for you let me know 🙂

By: Jae Sun, 30 Dec 2018 12:02:07 +0000 Hey I ran across you page via a random google search. perhaps the powers that be knew my dad came to the US on a ship from the Netherlands when he was 2, I don’t know but it is a connection. I am trying to make it day to day in a very unhappy environment I created. In 2002 I made a very very bad choice and in 2005 made a decision that has me living in a state 1300 miles from home where I have no family and no close friends. I go through every day miserable and am far from being happy. I know I am not ‘living’ my life I am merely go from one day to the next with nothing to look forward to. I don’t journal or anything like that for fear of someone finding and looking at it and I will feel embarrassed. Looking back and realizing I am nearing retirement age and reflecting on the fact I have lost 16 years or being with my kids (I have 3 grandchildren I have never met), my life is a mess. Well anyway – I think stumbling upon your site is a start for me.
