Comments on: 5 Tips to Stop Caring so Much About Everyone (With Examples) Sun, 15 Oct 2023 14:29:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Hugo Huijer Thu, 06 Apr 2023 11:18:49 +0000 In reply to Gaia Mermaid.

Thanks for your thoughtful comment, Gaia.

This is something I personally struggle with as well. To me, there are two solutions:

One, you can try to care less by using the tips from this article. This will help you (over)step on the work of others. As you say, it’s not always your circus (I like that!) 🙂

Second, you can try to surround yourself with people who are more like you. Who are better able to take feedback and are also unaccepting of mediocrity.

The best solution is probably a mixture of both. 🙂

Good luck, and thanks again for sharing your thoughts!

By: Gaia Mermaid Wed, 05 Apr 2023 03:06:53 +0000 This is helpful, and I even ordered the Not Nice book. That said, my issue is not that I am agreeable, but rather that I freely express my opinions, and I am very vocal because I care too much. When people disagree with my commentary, or feel that I am overstepping (i.e. at work if I give feedback or disagree with an idea) it turns them off, and many will either get defensive, intimidated, or exclude me, which in turn makes me feel attacked and/or shut out, and I end up apologizing for being my true self, even though I am kind, respectful and empathic. I do have high standards, and I don’t accept mediocrity. It’s a vicious cycle that often leads to depression. I need to care less so that I am LESS LIKELY to speak up, and not sweat the small stuff, because at the end of the day, it doesn’t even matter and why do I care? Not my circus, not my clowns.
