Comments on: How Long Can Happiness Last? (Personal Data And More) Sat, 08 Jul 2023 02:23:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Skyknight Sat, 08 Jul 2023 02:23:55 +0000 It probably says something that I came in here looking for consecutive hours, not days, of happiness, before the feeling dissipates.

Then again, I was thinking of how long happiness can usually last without any further happiness-creating input–how quickly it drains away under neutral circumstances.

By: Hugo Huijer Tue, 22 Jun 2021 14:36:00 +0000 In reply to Abhi.

I like the analogy! It’s true that there’s a baseline of happiness, this has been found by many researchers. However, I disagree with you that it’s therefore not worth it to pursue happiness. Every person is different of course, but there are many things that are within our control, achievable, and well worth the effort! I mean, that’s why we have hobbies, right? 🙂

Thanks for dropping your thoughts!

All the best,


By: Abhi Mon, 21 Jun 2021 20:31:59 +0000 Hey Nerd, love the article.
I have come to a conclusion that happiness is like a fire the more you give fuel then more it will grow and as soon as fuel ends it comes back to normal state, thus i believe happiness is not worth it, it just stupid to want to be happy as no matter if you work hard day and night to earn a million dollars or get a super power within few days you’ll come back to your normal state. So is doing everything just be happy for few days worth it? I don’t feel so

What do you say? I’d Love to discuss with you.

By: Hugo at Tracking Happiness Mon, 29 Apr 2019 15:55:44 +0000 In reply to Martin.

Thanks Martin, I really appreciate the nice words 🙂

By: Martin Mon, 29 Apr 2019 10:14:22 +0000 Thank you for sharing this.

The whole article is worth reading just for this one sentence:
> Simple, because I am a huge nerd and my goal in life is to create histograms of abstract data…

Just kidding. This one is the important one (for me):
> This means that whenever I feel unhappy, there’s a good chance that I will not feel sad again the next day!
Empirical data that suggest that being an optimist regarding “current state of mind”, i.e. that the sadness we may feel in the moment is very temporary… well that’s fantastic.
