21 Articles on Personality Traits With Tips and Examples https://www.trackinghappiness.com/category/blog/personality-traits/ Thu, 11 Jan 2024 21:30:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 https://www.trackinghappiness.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/TH-Site-Icon-2022-1.png 21 Articles on Personality Traits With Tips and Examples https://www.trackinghappiness.com/category/blog/personality-traits/ 32 32 6 Telltale Signs of a Bubbly Personality (and Its Meaning and Traits) https://www.trackinghappiness.com/bubbly-personality/ https://www.trackinghappiness.com/bubbly-personality/#respond Thu, 11 Jan 2024 21:30:38 +0000 https://www.trackinghappiness.com/?p=22984 What makes someone bubbly? It's more than just a smile. To learn more, check out these 6 signs of a bubbly personality.

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Have you ever walked into a room and been instantly drawn to someone? There’s a good chance you were feeling the magnetic pull of a bubbly personality. These are the people who radiate warmth and energy, lighting up every room they enter and effortlessly brightening the days of those around them. 

But what exactly makes someone ‘bubbly’? Is it just their perpetual smile or is there more to this captivating trait? The truth is, this personality type is pretty straightforward, but there are elements to it you probably haven’t considered. 

So let’s dive in to uncover more about this great personality type. If you’ve ever wondered what makes your bubbly friends so special, this article will shed some light. 

What does it mean to have a bubbly personality?

When you think of a bubbly personality, you probably think of someone who’s smiling, laughing, and talking a lot in a cheerful tone of voice.

Well, that’s pretty spot-on for a bubbly personality. According to the Collins Dictionary, a bubbly person is: 

“Someone who is very lively and cheerful and talks a lot.” 

With just this one criteria, this leaves room for a very broad range of people to be characterized as “bubbly”. 

For example, there is no particular MBTI personality that constitutes the “bubbly personality” — in fact, any personality that has the letter “E”, standing for extraversion, could be bubbly. Many people believe that the ENFP is generally the closest to being bubbly, but there is lots of variation, and many others disagree with that

I myself have a close friend who is an ENFP, and he could definitely be characterized as “bubbly”. However, I also have a friend who is an INFJ, who is perhaps even more bubbly than him. 

There is clearly no particular profile that is “bubbly” — there can be as many beautiful variations and shades of “bubbliness” as there are people. But one thing is for sure, and that’s that these people are generally very well-liked. Let’s have a quick look at why.

Why people like bubbly personalities

Why is the bubbly personality so popular?

It’s quite obvious that people would much rather be around someone who’s happy rather than a constant grouch. But do you know why?

Research explains that being around happy people makes us happier too. In fact, you don’t even need to be in direct contact with them. This effect even extends to friends of friend’s friends! No wonder bubbly people have such an easy time making friends — they literally brighten up people’s lives

But what about how they feel themselves? Let’s take a look at the relationship between bubbliness and happiness. 

Are bubbly people always happy?

As bubbly people generally look and act happy, some people equate a bubbly personality to a happy person. But there’s an important distinction to make between bubbliness and happiness.

They are, of course, closely related. But bubbliness is more about the social behavior of a person. On the other hand, happiness is a long-term emotional state of well-being. A person can be very happy with their life without being bubbly. For example, I know many quiet and serious personalities who are living extremely fulfilled and happy lives. 

This contrast is harder the other way around: it’s difficult to appear cheerful all the time if you are very unhappy. So it’s safe to say that bubbly people are generally happy people, at least from the short-term perspective. Even so, some people are still positive and pleasant to be around even when they themselves feel negative emotions.

This is what researchers describe as “affective presence” — the way you make others feel, irrespective of the way you yourself feel.

A bubbly friend of mine is an excellent example of this. Even when I knew she was feeling down, sick, or upset, she was still able to communicate with a smile on her face. You could barely hear any negative emotion in her voice, and she continued to make everyone around her feel welcome and wanted.     

Clearly, bubbly people are wonderful to have around. Let’s look at the signs of a bubbly personality so you can recognize who these people are in your life.  

💡 By the way: Do you find it hard to be happy and in control of your life? It may not be your fault. To help you feel better, we’ve condensed the information of 100’s of articles into a 10-step mental health cheat sheet to help you be more in control. 👇

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6 signs you have a bubbly personality

How do you really know if someone has a bubbly personality? Here are 6 telltale signs!

1. They speak dynamically

One of the unmistakable signs of a bubbly personality is the dynamic way they communicate.

Ashley Howard, a professional voice coach, emphasizes that the manner in which a person speaks conveys a lot about them. This is not just about the words they choose, but also how they deliver them.

These key elements contribute to a bubbly speaking style:

  • Vocal dynamism: Bubbly people use a range of tones and intonations in their voices. This vocal variety keeps listeners engaged and conveys enthusiasm.
  • Breathing techniques: Their breathing patterns aid in projecting their voice confidently, enhancing their presence in a conversation.
  • Physical expression: They are expressive not only with their voice but also with their body language. Gestures and facial expressions play a crucial role in making their communication lively and engaging.
  • Rhetorical devices: The use of figures of speech and rhetorical devices adds flair to their language, making their conversation more captivating.

2. They make friends easily 

Individuals with a bubbly personality have an exceptional ability to connect with a wide array of people, making new friends seem almost effortless. They can do this even if they don’t have common interests or a shared background — because their secret is their ability to communicate. They approach every person with a positive attitude, a smile, and a willingness to strike up a conversation.

This makes others feel like the bubbly person likes them. And science has shown that we like people who like us. 

In professional settings, such as offices, those with bubbly personalities are often invaluable for fostering a sense of community. They are great at creating bonds among co-workers that transcend mere work-related interactions such as asking for help or passing on information.

3. They love being around people

Because bubbly people are usually in a good mood, they often attract many people around them, and end up being the center of attention. They’re the ones who liven up any party, are able to cheer up those around them, and in general create a fun time. This is a by-product of their personality, but it’s also something bubbly people usually enjoy — who doesn’t want to be liked by everyone?

Their personality makes socializing easy, and therefore stress-free and enjoyable. Research even shows that being in a good mood makes people show more kindness to others. And being kind to others in turn makes you happier

4. They’re passionate about life

One thing you’ll be sure to notice about bubbly people is their infectious enthusiasm for life. They want to experience all that life has to offer, and they do it with all the energy and passion they’ve got. They know how to enjoy even the simple, mundane moments, like cooking dinner or relaxing in bed. 

And of course, they have a drive to do big things with their life too. This might be doing the things on their bucket list, trying new experiences, or going fully after their goals. Whatever the case, bubbly people are often the ones to “make things happen”. This can be very inspirational to others as an example of how to live life to the fullest. 

5. They’re emotionally expressive

We all hide some feelings from time to time — thankfully! But bubbly people tend to wear their hearts on their sleeves. They’re the ones whose laughter fills a room and whose tears are quick to show in moments of sadness. When they’re passionate about something, you can see it in their animated gestures and hear it in their lively voice. They liven up every conversation and life in general. 

More than that, they usually feel emotions very vividly and fully. They aren’t just for show — bubbly people have an endearing rawness and honesty to their emotions.

This is another reason why they’re easy to get along with. You can be pretty sure you know where you stand as if the person is upset, they will probably show it. 

6. They’re optimistic

They say that what you look for is what you find. Perception can impact everything about your life — a happy person and a sad person viewing the same painting may have very different interpretations of it.

That’s why bubbly people are often able to find the positive in situations, even when it’s hard to find. Their overall happy nature primes them to see good things around them, and they tend to attract more of it to themselves. Moreover, they are often able to create good out of difficult situations. This optimism reinforces their bubbly nature, as it’s been shown that optimism increases happiness

💡 By the way: If you want to start feeling better and more productive, I’ve condensed the information of 100’s of our articles into a 10-step mental health cheat sheet here. 👇

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Wrapping up

Now you know more about bubbly people, including what it means to be one and 6 signs to spot one. Hopefully, you recognize many bubbly people in your life — perhaps you even are one yourself!

Though personalities are not something we are able to change about ourselves, we can all take steps to become more positive, cheerful people no matter what our personality type is. Take a look around at some of our other articles, and you’ll find plenty of tips to help you get started!

Do you know another telltale sign of someone with a bubbly personality? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below!

Silvia Adamyova AuthorLinkedIn Logo

Born in Slovakia, raised in Canada. Online English teacher, editor, copywriter, and translator. You’ll find me holed up in a bookstore, typing in a cafe, or immersed in a philosophical debate.

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5 Benefits of Being Patient (and Why It’s so Important) https://www.trackinghappiness.com/benefits-of-being-patient/ https://www.trackinghappiness.com/benefits-of-being-patient/#comments Thu, 03 Aug 2023 11:07:43 +0000 https://www.trackinghappiness.com/?p=9852 Oftentimes, our patience gets tested on matters that would require us to pause, reflect, and hold out. Here are 5 powerful benefits to practicing patience!

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When was the last time that your patience was tested? Do you remember what the situation felt like? Perhaps, it seemed like you were on the brink of exploding. Or, maybe you had the urge to rush into a decision wherein you could still use some time to think.

Oftentimes, our patience gets tested on matters that would require us to pause, reflect, and hold out. It’s not always easy being patient, which is why it’s highly regarded as a “virtue.” Those who choose patience when faced with difficult moments are more likely to make rational decisions, have better relationships, and be more peaceful within.

If you’re currently struggling with patience or looking to hone it, here are some powerful insights to help you keep your cool when it almost seems impossible.

Why it’s so hard to be patient

These days, we’re all living fast-paced lives. We always find ourselves in the hustle and bustle of things, and, often, this is where we feel like we’re thriving.

We’re used to instantaneous results and we find the best “shortcuts” or “hacks” to get ahead. And this modern phenomenon is what makes us even more prone to impatience.

We struggle with patience when we are unwilling to wait for things or people. Whether it’s a slow driver ahead of us on the road or a life-changing decision that needs to be carefully thought out, the situations that test our patience have the tendency to get the best of us just because we lack the capacity to wait and the luxury to take more time.

Why patience is so important

Impatience can often lead to anger and frustration. The reason behind this is that we want to reach a goal without going through the means to get there. But, we can’t actually make it to the destination without the least bit of journeying first.

Aside from raging emotions, other major effects of our impatience can manifest in outcomes such as:

  • Poor judgment.
  • Irrational decisions.
  • Restlessness.
  • Harsh attitude towards others.
  • Unnecessary stress.

Having said that, a lot of negativity in our lives can be avoided if we choose to be patient.

Though it’s not always easy to keep your cool amidst adversities, we must always take the higher road in order to steer clear of these damaging results.

💡 By the way: Do you find it hard to be happy and in control of your life? It may not be your fault. To help you feel better, we’ve condensed the information of 100’s of articles into a 10-step mental health cheat sheet to help you be more in control. 👇

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Studies about patience and wellbeing

So, what do we really get from being patient? First things first, our mental and emotional well-being benefits the most when we choose patience over anger, frustration, and stress.

In a study conducted among Iranian students, the relationship between patience and other constructs such as life satisfaction and personality was examined.

The students were given the top assessment tools to measure these paradigms, and it was found that patience, especially long-term, is a predictor of mental wellness, particularly for those who scored high on the depression scale.

Another study sought to increase patience among participants through a patience training intervention. After administering tests and conducting the intervention, one of the major findings was that increased patience can indeed alleviate depression.

5 Powerful benefits of patience

Aside from scientifically-proven benefits on your mental health, there are also a whole lot more powerful benefits to being patient.

Here are some that I have found in my studies:

1. You make thoughtful decisions

Contrary to making rushed and irrational decisions, you can carefully assess your situation and make a more sensible judgment when you’re being patient.

Personally, I usually practice patience when I know that something is not meant for me and I have to wait until the best course of action comes along.

From getting into relationships to deciding on a job opportunity, I’m quite proud of myself for being able to refrain from making rash decisions. I know what I want and deserve, and so I’ve learned to wait until something feels exceptionally right.

2. You cultivate enduring relationships

Patience is also associated with how we treat people around us. Most of the time, the people closest to us can drive us inexplicably mad.

Perhaps, your partner has done something that triggered your annoyance. Instead of lashing out at them, patience teaches us to breathe for a moment and look at matters from a wider perspective.

This way, we also become empathic and compassionate towards the other person and avoid strain in our relationships.

3. You think long-term

When we’re patient, we’re able to look far ahead into the future instead of being stuck with a short-term vision. As they say, good things in life take time.

Patience lets us appreciate the journey that it takes to make it to our bigger goals.

In my case, I’ve decided to pursue post-graduate studies after already working in the industry for more than five years. Even though it will slow down my career growth at the moment, I know that investing in my formal education and taking the time to improve myself will give me better results in the long run. I just have to be patient with my own process, forgive myself for the delays, and trust that I’ll get there soon.

4. You find inner peace

The worst thing about being impatient is that it brings us stress.

We’re always short-tempered, antsy, and demanding. It seems as though the world will end if we don’t get our way right here, right now.

But, when we choose patience, we also choose inner peace. We let go of the things that don’t serve us. We trust our own pace. And, we let the universe run its course. Patience teaches us to pause and surrender.

And, in a society where everything seems to be rushed, we can all use the time to just accept the present moment as it is and just breathe.

5. You learn to be kind

When we’re patient, we are more likely to act from a place of kindness. When the world around us seems to be uncaring and restless, patience reminds us to be gentle and lenient. We get to be more forgiving towards those who are driving us to our limits.

And this doesn’t only apply to the way we treat others, but it also encompasses our relationship with ourselves.

For me, being patient is being kind to myself. It’s allowing myself to make mistakes, learn from them, and take the necessary time to grow.

💡 By the way: If you want to start feeling better and more productive, I’ve condensed the information of 100’s of our articles into a 10-step mental health cheat sheet here. 👇

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Wrapping up

Being patient may seem like a tall order especially when we find ourselves caught up in the hustles of life. But, choosing patience will allow us to find peace and happiness in our path, no matter how long and winding it may feel. There’s no need to rush or to be harsh. We can always meet others halfway and embrace ourselves right where we are in our journey.

What do you think? Do you find that being patient correlates to feeling happier? Do you struggle with practicing patience? Let me know in the comments below!

Madel Asuncion AuthorLinkedIn Logo

Writer and advocate for young people’s mental health. Firm believer of validating one’s feelings, prioritizing the inner-self, and finding happiness in a plate of chicken curry.

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10 Characteristics of Optimistic People That Set Them Apart https://www.trackinghappiness.com/optimistic-people/ https://www.trackinghappiness.com/optimistic-people/#respond Sat, 27 May 2023 13:12:00 +0000 https://www.trackinghappiness.com/?p=19962 Optimistic people tend to live a more fulfilling and resilient life, check out 10 key characteristics that set them apart from others.

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Optimism is a powerful force that can transform the way we see ourselves and the world around us. It can be a source of strength and hope that helps us overcome hurdles and allows us to achieve our goals.

Optimistic people have a unique ability to see opportunities where others may see obstacles, to find joy in the midst of adversity, and to maintain a positive outlook even in the face of uncertainty.

Do you want to bring more optimism into your life? Keep reading to explore what helps optimistic people manifest happy and fulfilling lives!

Benefits of being optimistic

Optimism is a mental attitude characterized by hopefulness and the anticipation that good things will happen in the future. It’s about adopting a positive mindset geared towards successful outcomes.

Having an optimistic outlook in life can do wonders for our well-being. Studies have found that there is a relation between optimism and coping strategies such as the ability to stay positive in stressful situations, which can impact one’s quality of life. Optimism is also associated with adaptability and problem-solving skills that can promote success and a healthy lifestyle.

Recently, we’ve all experienced unprecedented challenges and uncertainties brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. In crises such as this, being optimistic can be a powerful tool. A study has found that anticipating a positive future amidst the pandemic helped increase positive emotions in such stressful conditions.

While it may not always be easy to maintain a positive outlook, developing a mindset of optimism is a skill that can be learned and practiced over time, leading to many benefits and positive outcomes.

Learning to be optimistic

In my personal experience, anxious tendencies can make it challenging to be optimistic. Sometimes, it’s as if my brain automatically goes straight to the worst-case scenario and jumps to conclusions –  ones that are usually against my favor.

Through therapy, I’ve learned that one of the best ways to cope with my anxiety is to focus on the positive things that are happening to me. I should always remind myself of my achievements and the love that surrounds me.

Optimism can be a powerful tool that helps us see that there are brighter days ahead. Positivity and hopefulness can keep us going amidst uncertain times and our most anxious moments.

💡 By the way: Do you find it hard to be happy and in control of your life? It may not be your fault. To help you feel better, we’ve condensed the information of 100’s of articles into a 10-step mental health cheat sheet to help you be more in control. 👇

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Characteristics of optimistic people

To be more optimistic, here are some traits that you can cultivate:

1. They have a positive attitude

Optimistic people tend to have a positive outlook on life, and they believe that good things are possible. They are rather hopeful than doubtful, and they don’t let themselves be limited by fear.

While it may not always be easy to stay optimistic, making an effort to focus on the positive aspects of life can help us endure the many challenges we face in life. It’s always helpful to look at the glass half-full!

2. They exude confidence

Those who are optimistic believe in their own abilities and strengths. They embody a certain kind of confidence that comes from their positive belief in themselves and the future.

Once you believe that there is great potential in you, it’s more likely that your inner hopes will manifest in real life.

3. They are open-minded

To avoid negativity, optimistic people open their minds to different perspectives and possibilities. If something goes against their favor or ideas, they tend to seek further understanding and learning.

Being open-minded does not mean that we have to accept every prospect presented to us, but it does mean that we can consider them and evaluate them objectively.

4. They appreciate humor

Being optimistic can also mean having a good sense of humor. Even amidst trying times, optimism means finding joy and laughter in everyday situations.

For some people, humor can be a coping strategy or a defense mechanism. Just make sure that you’re not using it to hide or bury feelings that you should be tuning into.

5. They are goal-oriented

Someone who is optimistic believes in success, which is why they are not afraid to set goals and do everything to achieve them. They have a clear picture of what their future looks like, which is never clouded by fear.

Being persistent with our goals can eventually lead us to the life that we have envisioned. With positivity and determination, there’s nothing that can stop us from being the person we’ve always wanted to be.

6. They take action

Optimistic people tend to be bold. As they are not paralyzed by negativity, they always act towards their desires and ambitions. They feel excited by possibilities, and they approach everything with vigor.

Life is too short to let ourselves be limited by negative thinking. While going after our wildest dreams can be daunting, a positive mindset can surely make us feel braver!

7. They practice gratitude

Appreciating the good things in life comes naturally to optimistic people. They focus on what they have rather than what they lack, and they are thankful for every blessing that comes their way.

Practicing gratitude allows us to feel more content in the present moment. Whether it’s feeling inner satisfaction or expressing our thanks to our loved ones, gratitude can help us see the best things that life has to offer.

8. They are resilient

Because of having a positive mindset, optimistic people are more likely to bounce back from setbacks, failures, or disappointments. No matter the difficulties, they keep moving forward.

Resilience and optimism go hand in hand as these qualities allow us to navigate the ups and downs of life with greater ease and adaptability.

9. They don’t give up easily

When they encounter failure or rejection, optimistic people have the ability to pick themselves up and try again. They don’t feel disheartened so easily. They persevere until they achieve their desired outcome.

With hard work and dedication, all of us are meant for greatness. As long as we don’t give up, things will fall into place eventually.

10. They are achievers

With all these positive qualities, an optimistic person tends to achieve highly in life. They become successful in every endeavor that they put their heart and mind to.

By believing in our own potential and the possibility of good outcomes, we’ll eventually prove that the universe has always been on our side.

💡 By the way: If you want to start feeling better and more productive, I’ve condensed the information of 100’s of our articles into a 10-step mental health cheat sheet here. 👇

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Wrapping up

Whether it’s practicing gratitude, cultivating resilience, or adopting a positive mindset, there are many ways that optimism can lead us to a more fulfilling life.

By focusing on the good and reframing negative experiences, we can become more resilient in the face of stress and adversity, and more successful in achieving our goals.

How do you practice optimism in your life? Feel free to spread some positivity in the comments below!

Madel Asuncion AuthorLinkedIn Logo

Writer and advocate for young people’s mental health. Firm believer of validating one’s feelings, prioritizing the inner-self, and finding happiness in a plate of chicken curry.

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10 Traits of Selfish People (and Why They Are Like This) https://www.trackinghappiness.com/selfish-people/ https://www.trackinghappiness.com/selfish-people/#comments Mon, 01 May 2023 22:13:58 +0000 https://www.trackinghappiness.com/?p=19697 Some people take selfishness to a whole new level even if it ends up hurting others. Here's 10 traits of selfish people so you can avoid them.

The post 10 Traits of Selfish People (and Why They Are Like This) appeared first on Tracking Happiness.

In a world where wealth and power can get you ahead in life, selfishness can be second nature to some people. For these individuals, it’s every man for himself. They wouldn’t even think twice about who they will hurt along the way.

Selfish people are often described as self-centered, insensitive, and manipulative. They tend to put their own needs and desires above those of others, disregarding the feelings and well-being of those around them.

While everyone can be selfish at times, some individuals exhibit these traits more frequently and heavily than others. In this article, we’ll explore how to spot these characteristics so we can encourage healthier, more positive behaviors within our relationships.

The psychology of selfishness

Psychology defines being selfish as having “the tendency to act excessively or solely in a manner that benefits oneself, even if others are disadvantaged.” 

One of the psychological factors that drive this trait is our ego. The ego, defined in the simplest way, refers to the “I” which allows us to make decisions based primarily on our personal identity. This is why we often hear the term “big ego” which we associate with people who come off as “self-absorbed.”

To a greater extent, narcissism can also explain why some of us exhibit selfish behaviors. Narcissists are characterized as those who have a huge sense of self-importance which causes them to be indifferent to other people’s feelings and needs.

As humans, we have the disposition to keep surviving and thriving. Having such individual needs can conflict with our prosocial behavior. In connection to that, other factors that may feed someone’s selfishness include:

  • Wanting to feel secure.
  • Maintaining certain privileges.
  • Being in a position of high status or power.

While some degree of selfishness is natural and even necessary, excessive selfishness can lead to negative outcomes for ourselves and those around us.

On being selfish

Selfishness is definitely a negative trait to have. But, being human, I wouldn’t say I’ve always been above it. I, too, have made selfish decisions in my life that hurt the people that I love.

Growing up, I’ve always tried my best to please my family and do what is expected of me. But, as I got older and developed a stronger sense of independence, I made some choices that eventually disappointed my parents.

Despite knowing that I caused them distress, I knew that I had to do certain things for my personal development and well-being. I had to set boundaries that might have made them feel alienated.

In life, I’ve realized that we will always encounter that conflict of choosing between ourselves and our loved ones. Oftentimes, putting their feelings above our own is an act of love. But, there are cases when it’s an act of betrayal to ourselves. We just have to figure out which weighs more.

💡 By the way: Do you find it hard to be happy and in control of your life? It may not be your fault. To help you feel better, we’ve condensed the information of 100’s of articles into a 10-step mental health cheat sheet to help you be more in control. 👇

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Characteristics of selfish people

How do we know when someone is acting based purely on selfish reasons? Here are some qualities you need to look out for:

1. They are self-centered

Selfish individuals tend to be focused on their own needs and desires, rather than those of others. They are often preoccupied with themselves and their own interests.

Those who are selfish tend to make everything about them to the point that they can make the people around them feel unseen. Being in a conversation with them, for example, can be frustrating as they can’t seem to talk about anything but themselves.

2. They feel entitled

Selfish people often feel entitled because they have a strong sense of self-importance. Perhaps, they were raised to feel special or they have achieved a level of success that has made them feel superior.

It can be upsetting when we deal with someone who’s entitled. They may take credit for the work that we do or make us feel like we’re not worthy. When you encounter someone who’s entitled, remind yourself that their “superiority” doesn’t mean that you’re lacking or less deserving in any way!

3. They only look out for themselves

When things go awry, selfish people will only look out for themselves. They may even throw others under the bus just to save themselves from the trouble that they have probably caused.

In some situations, selfish individuals may offer to help – but only if it would benefit them. You should be cautious as this type of person rarely has the most genuine intentions.

4. They are greedy

Selfishness can manifest through one’s unwillingness to share what they have with others. Furthermore, they can also become obsessed with accumulating more and more, often beyond what they need.

Being selfish and greedy are traits that we need to watch out for, as this type of person can leave us with nothing if we’re not careful enough.

5. They can be inconsiderate

Selfish people tend to take others for granted and become insensitive to how they feel. Because they are too set in their own ways, they may not even think about how their behavior can affect others.

While prioritizing ourselves isn’t a bad thing, it’s also important to be considerate of others, especially those who are close to us. We have to be mindful of how others feel and what they need from us in order to foster better relationships.

6. They lack empathy

We’ve all heard of the term, “putting oneself in another’s shoes.” Selfish people, however, seem to have the inability to practice this. They lack empathy and have difficulty understanding someone else’s situation.

Those who are short on compassion tend to be blinded by privilege or status, and we might be better off disengaging with them. Instead, let’s focus our energy on the people who can show us the kindness and support that we all deserve.

7. They can be manipulative

Selfish people often do things for their own gain. As a result, they may resort to manipulative tactics just to get what they want.

If someone is manipulating you for selfish reasons, it can severely impact your emotional and mental health. Once you notice such behavior, it’s best to cut these toxic ties as soon as you can.

8. They overstep boundaries

A person who is selfish tends to have little regard for the rules that apply to others and may feel that they do not need to follow them. They can also neglect boundaries just because they are too focused on their own needs.

This type of selfishness can be disrespectful and should not be tolerated. Someone who doesn’t honor your boundaries isn’t worth building any kind of relationship with.

9. They never feel sorry

Feelings of regret and guilt can plague us when we’ve hurt other people. However, a selfish person usually never feels sorry when they cause distress, take more than they need, or overstep boundaries.

Don’t expect an apology from selfish people. After all, they’re too fixated on how to themselves feel good.

10. They are lonely

With all the negative behaviors that selfish people exhibit, there’s little wonder why they don’t have the best relationships. They end up lonely because their selfish ways have driven the people around them away.

We must remember that satisfying our personal interests wouldn’t make our lives more fulfilling. At the end of the day, kindness and love will always matter the most.

💡 By the way: If you want to start feeling better and more productive, I’ve condensed the information of 100’s of our articles into a 10-step mental health cheat sheet here. 👇

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Wrapping up

In conclusion, selfish people are individuals who give high priority to their own interests, often at the expense of others. They may exhibit toxic behaviors such as being manipulative and disregarding boundaries. They always take, but they never give.

Remember that you cannot change someone, but you can always control your response to them. By prioritizing your own needs, you can navigate interactions with selfish people while protecting your well-being.

Does this article remind you of anyone in your life? What do you think makes someone selfish? Feel free to discuss further in the comments below!

Madel Asuncion AuthorLinkedIn Logo

Writer and advocate for young people’s mental health. Firm believer of validating one’s feelings, prioritizing the inner-self, and finding happiness in a plate of chicken curry.

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10 Traits of Honest People (and Why Choosing Honesty Matters) https://www.trackinghappiness.com/honest-people/ https://www.trackinghappiness.com/honest-people/#respond Sun, 16 Apr 2023 11:40:00 +0000 https://www.trackinghappiness.com/?p=19316 Telling the truth can be difficult but it's crucial. Find out why honesty matters and 10 traits of honest people to help you spot them.

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Have you ever found yourself in a sticky situation where lying is an option just to get out of it? Perhaps, your partner has asked you to run an errand that you completely forgot about. Or, you made a mistake at work which would instantly get you reprimanded.

In most scenarios like this, telling the truth and being accountable for our actions can be a tall order. But, as they say, honesty is the best policy if you don’t want to find yourself in further trouble or lose the respect of the people around you.

In this article, we will explore 10 traits of honest people and why choosing honesty is so important. If you want to attract honest people or cultivate honesty in your daily life, keep reading!

The truth behind dishonesty

It’s universal knowledge that being dishonest is a negative trait. So, why do we find ourselves inclined to do it?

Lies and deception are often associated with people who have personal agendas or hidden motives. They may have self-serving goals, so they try to manipulate a situation to their favor. Perhaps, they want to gain something or avoid the consequences of their bad behavior.

But dishonesty can also lure even the best of us. There’s a term called “prosocial lying” which is often done by people because they think that being dishonest would benefit others. The reasons behind it may include:

  • Protecting others from being hurt.
  • Averting someone’s stress or worry.
  • Covering up another person’s mistake.

Sometimes, we lie not because we mean to deceive someone, but in order to avoid conflict and protect the relationship that we have with them. However, most people can handle hard truths more than we think. 

In a study about honesty, scientists found that avoiding honesty is often a mistake. Humans may predict certain consequences that cause them to fear being honest. But, in reality, this mindset is often misguided and can actually keep us from having enjoyable conversations and meaningful relationships.

Why choosing honesty matters

It’s not always easy to have the courage to stay honest. In my relationships, I sometimes find myself being dishonest about how I feel especially when I’m going through difficult times. Instead of being open about my struggles or saying that I felt hurt, I try my best to act normal and say, “I’m doing really well!” or “I’ll be okay!”

I would have this anxious thought that they might just worry about me unnecessarily or not care about my feelings at all. So, why bother them?

Eventually, I learned that keeping my feelings to myself or lying about my difficulties will only make things worse for me. Most of the time, I find that other people are going through the same things as I do and they tend to be more understanding than I expected.

In the end, it made me realize that being real about my struggles makes me feel less alone and allows me to get the support I need from the people who truly care about me.

💡 By the way: Do you find it hard to be happy and in control of your life? It may not be your fault. To help you feel better, we’ve condensed the information of 100’s of articles into a 10-step mental health cheat sheet to help you be more in control. 👇

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Characteristics of honest people

If you want to enrich your relationships by being in the company of honest people, here are the traits that you need to spot:

1. They are straightforward

Honest people don’t like to beat behind the bush. They say what they mean, and mean what they say. Dramatics and exaggerations are not in their vocabulary as well. They speak the truth – nothing more, nothing less.

If you want to know if someone values honesty, the first sign you need to look for is how straightforward they are with their intentions. Choose the people who don’t play mind games with you!

2. They are transparent

Transparency is an important aspect of honesty. An honest person doesn’t hide things or try to deceive others. They are open books and always willing to show their truest selves.

To test someone’s transparency, be mindful of the truths that they’re willing to share with you. Even if it’s uncomfortable or inconvenient, honest people don’t withhold information especially if it has a potential effect on you.

3. They stay out of trouble

Those who are honest tend to stay out of trouble. Because they act with integrity, they don’t usually find themselves in conflict with the people they love or those with authority over them.

If you ever meet someone who has a record of being caught red-handed, then it might be a sign that they are bad news.

4. Their words and actions are consistent

An honest person stays true to their words and follows through with actions. They keep their promises and will never leave you hanging.

Being consistent is considered a green flag in relationships. You’ll know a person is worth keeping in your life when they match what they say with how they behave. Otherwise, they might just be leading you on!

5. They take responsibility

Honest people take responsibility for their actions and their mistakes. They don’t make excuses or blame others for their shortcomings.

Even when they know they will face the consequences, an honest person will own up to what they may have done wrong and be accountable enough to make up for it.

6. They are trustworthy

Honesty is the foundation on which trust is built. When someone is known for being honest, we can depend on their words, intentions, and commitment.

On the other hand, when someone is not honest with us, it damages the trust that we have in them. We may begin to question their reliability, integrity, and truthfulness, which can strain our relationship with them.

7. They value integrity

Honest people have a strong sense of integrity, which means that they are guided by a set of moral principles and values. They do what they believe is right, even if it means going against the norm.

Even behind closed doors, someone who is honest will always stand by truth and fairness. Despite challenges and temptations, they will never compromise their morals for personal gain.

8. They are respectable

Honesty is an admirable quality. By having integrity and building trust, honest people earn the respect of those around them. They exude the kind of credibility and authority that cannot be questioned.

If gaining respect from others matters to you, committing to your words and being consistent with your values should be your top priorities.

9. They are not afraid to be vulnerable

Being honest often requires us to be vulnerable. Those who are honest have the courage to let others discover their innermost selves.

When we are honest about our thoughts, feelings, and experiences, we are revealing a part of ourselves to others, which can be uncomfortable and scary. However, this vulnerability can ultimately help us to build deeper connections with the people who matter most to us!

10. They live a peaceful life

Honesty can have a significant impact on our peace of mind. Those who always choose honesty don’t need to stress about the consequences of their wrongdoings. They don’t carry the burden that comes with deceit and guilt.

When we are honest with ourselves and others, we are not living a double life or presenting a false image of ourselves. Ultimately, this inner alignment can lead to peace of mind and a greater sense of fulfillment.

💡 By the way: If you want to start feeling better and more productive, I’ve condensed the information of 100’s of our articles into a 10-step mental health cheat sheet here. 👇

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Wrapping up

Being honest means that we have to speak our truths even in the face of temptation, hardship, and fear. We need to be mindful of how our words align with our actions and take ownership when we do make a mistake.

By practicing honesty in our own lives and valuing honesty in others, we can deepen our relationships, earn trust and respect, and live a more fulfilling life free of shame and guilt.

What does being honest mean to you? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

Madel Asuncion AuthorLinkedIn Logo

Writer and advocate for young people’s mental health. Firm believer of validating one’s feelings, prioritizing the inner-self, and finding happiness in a plate of chicken curry.

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10 Characteristics of Loving People to Help You Spot Them https://www.trackinghappiness.com/loving-people/ https://www.trackinghappiness.com/loving-people/#respond Mon, 10 Apr 2023 13:29:55 +0000 https://www.trackinghappiness.com/?p=19219 You might have genuine loving people around you but not realize it yet. Knowing these 10 characteristics will help you spot them better.

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Finding people who can truly love us can be a deeply rewarding and fulfilling experience. When we are surrounded by loving people, we feel a sense of belonging and connection that is essential to our happiness and overall well-being.

Loving people are those who show us kindness and patience. They stay on our side through thick or thin and make us feel appreciated and understood in all the right ways. 

Whether you are looking to improve your relationships, deepen your connection with others, or simply learn how to be a more loving person, this article will provide you with some inspiration to help you on your journey.

The benefits of being around loving people

In all kinds of relationships, being loving brings us closer to each other. Our sense of connection thrives when we offer affection, care, and support to one another.

It also goes without saying that love isn’t just limited to romantic partners. We can be loving to our friends, our next-door neighbors, and even strangers. When we show love and feel love in our everyday experiences, it also enhances positive feelings within ourselves.

A recent study on love has found that those who experienced it in their everyday interactions had higher levels of well-being that manifest in feelings of optimism and a sense of purpose. Love, in the context of this study, can be described as a “resonance” with other people, not necessarily the grand or passionate expression that we usually think of.

Because it’s possible to experience love even in the most mundane moments, we may take its benefits for granted. In case you need some reminders, here are some scientifically proven effects of love:

  • It activates dopamine, the “feel-good” chemical in our brain.
  • It lowers our stress levels.
  • It deflects feelings of anxiety and loneliness.
  • It promotes overall good health and long life.

Whether you’re giving or receiving love, it certainly creates a long-term impact that enables us to live a healthier and more fulfilling life!

An important first step of being loving

We all know the saying, “You cannot give what you do not have,” and I firmly believe in this in the context of love. 

In the past, I’ve made the mistake of giving too much of myself to others without paying attention to my own needs. And let me tell you that this is quite the recipe for disastrous relationships!

This is why, in my journey to cultivating love in every aspect of my life, I have learned that the number one step to loving is to love myself first. Sometimes, we get swept away by the affection and care that we have for other people that we forget to fill up our own cup first.

Now, I try to be mindful of my own priorities, boundaries, and well-being before offering my time and support to the people around me. This way, I know I can show my love for them in the best way possible without abandoning myself.

💡 By the way: Do you find it hard to be happy and in control of your life? It may not be your fault. To help you feel better, we’ve condensed the information of 100’s of articles into a 10-step mental health cheat sheet to help you be more in control. 👇

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Characteristics of loving people

If you want to bring more love into your life, here are the qualities that you should be looking for: 

1. They are affectionate

Loving people are not shy of showering the people they care about with affection. It’s a means of expressing their fondness and tenderness towards someone which can instantly spread positive feelings around.

Affection allows us to communicate a sense of intimacy. Whether it’s through hugging or giving gifts, it can definitely make someone feel loved.

2. They show kindness

Loving people have big hearts, and they certainly show it through kindness. They make you feel cared for through their warmth, compassion, and sincerity.

Being kind to someone is the best example of showing love in our everyday interactions. Whether you’re offering a friendly smile to a stranger or helping someone in need, your kindness can easily make anyone’s day!

3. They are always giving

Those who are loving are always ready to share their time and resources with those who may need them. They are generous and don’t expect anything in return.

However, as I mentioned earlier, loving and giving doesn’t mean that you have to end up with nothing for yourself. Make sure to recharge and honor your own needs first!

4. They are patient

Patience comes naturally to loving people. They are calm, forgiving, and allow others to heal and flourish in their own time.

In personal relationships, patience can be particularly important. It can help us to understand and accept the people around us, even when they make mistakes or behave in ways that are frustrating or difficult.

5. They are supportive

Loving people are always there for you through the good and the bad. They celebrate milestones with you and offer comfort when you’re feeling down.

Having the support of the people we love can mean the world to us. It can boost our self-esteem, help us navigate life’s challenges, and encourage us to be our best selves. 

6. They accept people for who they are

The people who are loving toward us do not expect perfection. They accept our “flaws” and see the best in us especially when we fail to do so ourselves.

If you want to be more loving, make sure that you treat people with an open mind and a soft heart. This can make the people around you feel safe and more confident about themselves. The best feeling in the world is to be loved exactly for who we are – nothing more, nothing less!

7. They have empathy

One of the sure signs that a person is loving is their ability to show empathy. People who are loving tend to be sensitive to the feelings of others and can put themselves in someone else’s shoes.

When we practice empathy, it’s easier for us to see beyond someone’s imperfections or difficulties. We can connect with them deeply and discover all the ways they need to be loved.

8. They know your worth

A person who’s truly loving knows how to appreciate another person’s worth. They don’t take others for granted, and they are always grateful for every connection that they make.

When we lose sight of the value that someone adds to our life, this may make them feel neglected and hurt. So always be mindful of giving them the attention, respect, and care that they deserve.

9. They make you feel loved

A loving person is willing to learn the love language of the people that they care about. As a result, they can make us feel loved in a way that makes sense to us.

Love can be shown in different ways to different people. Perhaps, your partner appreciates a back rub at the end of a long day. Or a friend prefers comfort over solutions when they’re going through a rough patch. Learning those little things would truly make them feel understood and cared for.

10. They show vulnerability

There’s nothing that can make someone feel loved more than being vulnerable with them. A loving person makes an effort to open up to others and share their deepest, most honest emotions with them.

As much as we are ready to give love, we should also have the openness to be loved. This means that we should be capable of taking risks and exposing our truest selves to others, no matter how difficult or scary it can be. Only then can we achieve the meaning of a truly loving relationship.

💡 By the way: If you want to start feeling better and more productive, I’ve condensed the information of 100’s of our articles into a 10-step mental health cheat sheet here. 👇

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Wrapping up

Finding people who can love us is not always easy. We have to look closer at who is willing to support us through the highs and the lows, who can value us for exactly who we are, and who will trust us enough with their vulnerable sides.

But when we do find those special people, it can be one of the most rewarding experiences of our lives and can bring us a sense of comfort, happiness, and fulfillment that is truly priceless.

Did this article remind you of the people in your life? What’s the best way to show someone that you love them? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

Madel Asuncion AuthorLinkedIn Logo

Writer and advocate for young people’s mental health. Firm believer of validating one’s feelings, prioritizing the inner-self, and finding happiness in a plate of chicken curry.

The post 10 Characteristics of Loving People to Help You Spot Them appeared first on Tracking Happiness.

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10 Characteristics of Dynamic People (and How to Become One!) https://www.trackinghappiness.com/dynamic-people/ https://www.trackinghappiness.com/dynamic-people/#respond Thu, 16 Mar 2023 14:37:00 +0000 https://www.trackinghappiness.com/?p=18874 Dynamic people possess a range of skills and qualities that allow them to adapt to changing circumstances. They are creative, proactive, and able to navigate challenges with a can-do attitude. Here are 10 ways to spot them.

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Do you know someone who can take anything that life throws at them and never seems to run out of energy? Perhaps, they’re that friend who always has a full social calendar or that colleague who thrives in multitasking.

If you’re looking for the simplest way to describe them, “dynamic” might just be the word you’re looking for. A dynamic person is someone who is lively, active, and always striving for growth and improvement. They seek challenges and follow their passion for life.

If you want to surround yourself with such people or become one yourself, this article will help you identify what it takes to be a dynamic person!

What makes people dynamic

Dynamic people are characterized by being outgoing, enthusiastic, and adaptable to changing environments. If we try to explain this personality type, one obvious trait that may come to mind is extroversion.

Some qualities of a dynamic person that can be similar to extroverts are:

  • Open and confident
  • Thrives in social settings
  • Seeks excitement
  • Has a variety of interests
  • Action-oriented

A person’s level of extroversion can have an impact on how dynamic they can be. For example, a study has found that extroverted nurses are more adaptable to sudden changes compared to those who are introverted. Extroverts are also more likely to keep up with fast-paced settings and multitasking.

But it’s important to note that being dynamic isn’t only limited to extroverted individuals. While extroverts may naturally exhibit outgoing behaviors, introverts can also manifest a dynamic character as their introspective approach can drive personal growth wherever their passions may lie.

💡 By the way: Do you find it hard to be happy and in control of your life? It may not be your fault. To help you feel better, we’ve condensed the information of 100’s of articles into a 10-step mental health cheat sheet to help you be more in control. 👇

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Challenges of being dynamic

I would describe myself as an introvert. But one aspect of being dynamic that I do see in myself is my ability to follow different passions in life. 

I have spent most of my professional life in the creative field, and have also trained in psychology, youth work, and community development in the past few years. I found purpose in making a difference in people’s lives, and it allowed me to branch out to different directions in my career.

The real challenge that I’ve experienced in being dynamic is that I have the tendency to take on different roles at once, which causes me to feel overwhelmed. This is something that dynamic people may need to watch out for.

While we thrive in new and exciting experiences, it’s also beneficial to find balance and slow down from time to time!

Characteristics of dynamic people

If you’re up for the challenge, here are some dynamic traits that you should know about:

1. They are energetic

A dynamic person is known for their energy and enthusiasm towards life. They are usually passionate about what they do and approach everything with a positive attitude.

If you want to become a more dynamic person, maintaining a high level of energy is key. But don’t forget to look after your physical and mental health while doing so!

2. They are open-minded

Many dynamic people are often curious, adventurous, and open to new experiences. They may be more willing to take risks and embrace unconventional ideas.

Being dynamic allows you to see the world from a wider perspective. Because of your open-mindedness, you’re more likely to discover exciting and progressive ways to be the best version of yourself!

If you want to learn more, here are 3 strategies to be more open-minded!

3. They are adaptable

Adapting to changes is one of the most admirable traits that dynamic people have. They have a flexible mindset and can adjust their plans according to the situation at hand.

In this rapidly evolving world, being adaptable is essential to survive. To practice adaptability, start by expanding your skill set and building resilience amidst stressful situations. These will surely come in handy when something unexpected comes up.

4. They make the first move

Dynamic people are proactive and take initiative to make things happen. They usually don’t wait on others to make a move. Instead, they embrace the responsibility of bringing goals to fruition.

Anticipating problems, taking risks, and having the guts to take a step forward are some ways that you can practice being proactive. Don’t let fear stop you from turning your vision into reality!

5. They are creative

Taking a creative and innovative approach to problem-solving comes naturally to dynamic people. They think outside the box and come up with unique solutions to the challenges that they face.

Having a dynamic person in your corner can help you succeed. Because of their resourcefulness and bold ideas, you’re likely to drive outcomes that stand out from the rest.

6. They are excellent leaders

Dynamic individuals possess excellent leadership skills. They inspire others to follow their lead and have the ability to guide a team toward a common goal.

If you want to thrive in your chosen path, having dynamic leaders as role models can be a powerful source of motivation and guidance. Pay close attention to their traits and habits, and take note of the ones that you can apply to your own leadership style.  

7. They are multitaskers

The ability to multitask isn’t for everyone. But dynamic people do tend to flourish in various pursuits and roles. They are usually multi-hyphenated, dabble in different businesses, and don’t let a single title define them.

While being dynamic can provide us with a range of opportunities and experiences, it can also be challenging to find a work-life balance. In order to accomplish your goals, make sure to manage your time efficiently and find the right people to support you.

8. They persevere

Dynamic individuals have the determination and persistence to overcome obstacles and challenges. They do not give up easily. Rather, they have the drive to keep pushing toward their desired outcomes.

As a dynamic person, you may find that there’s a lot to handle in every aspect of your life. To persevere, you must always go back to the reasons why you chose certain paths. This will help you to keep going even when things get tough.

If you want to learn more, here are 3 reasons why perseverance is so important.

9. They focus on the positives

Positivity is the foundation of a dynamic person. They need to cultivate a healthy mindset in order to take risks, adapt to changes, and handle various challenges. 

Without a positive attitude, you may find it difficult to handle the pressures and demands of a dynamic life. One way to stay positive is to focus on your strengths and accomplishments. Believe in your ability to succeed and you’re halfway there!

Focusing on the good is not just a characteristic of a dynamic person, but also that of a happy person.

10. They never stop learning

Dynamic people are always eager to learn and evolve. They are open to feedback and seek out opportunities to improve themselves.

Having different interests and passions in life will require you to keep growing. Whether it’s gaining formal training, finding mentors, or simply reading a book, taking steps to enrich your learning can propel your journey toward becoming a more dynamic person.

💡 By the way: If you want to start feeling better and more productive, I’ve condensed the information of 100’s of our articles into a 10-step mental health cheat sheet here. 👇

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Wrapping up

In conclusion, dynamic people are individuals who possess a range of skills and qualities that allow them to adapt to changing circumstances. They are creative, proactive, and able to navigate challenges with a can-do attitude.

Whether you’re seeking to find your purpose, enhance your career prospects, or build stronger relationships, embracing your inner dynamic self can help you thrive in all areas of your life.

How do you define a dynamic person? Any traits that I missed? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below!

Madel Asuncion AuthorLinkedIn Logo

Writer and advocate for young people’s mental health. Firm believer of validating one’s feelings, prioritizing the inner-self, and finding happiness in a plate of chicken curry.

The post 10 Characteristics of Dynamic People (and How to Become One!) appeared first on Tracking Happiness.

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10 Characteristics of Negative People (With Examples) https://www.trackinghappiness.com/negative-people/ https://www.trackinghappiness.com/negative-people/#respond Fri, 03 Mar 2023 07:29:04 +0000 https://www.trackinghappiness.com/?p=18760 Negative people can be challenging to be around, as they often influence our own moods. Here are 10 signs you're dealing with a negative person.

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Ever heard of a “Debbie Downer?” These are the people who whine all the time, focus on the negative, and take the fun out of everything. They are the “naysayers,” “bummers,” and “killjoys” of the world.

This type of person can have a deep impact on our lives, often leaving us feeling drained, stressed, and discouraged. It’s important to understand the characteristics of negative people so that we can better recognize and manage our interactions with them. 

In this article, we’ll delve into the factors that breed negativity and the signs that will help us weed out people who may not have any positive impact on our lives.

The negativity bias

To explain why some people can have a particularly negative view of themselves, others, and the world, let’s turn to a relevant concept from cognitive psychology called the “negativity bias.”

Negativity bias is our human tendency to give more weight to negative information than to positive ones. We pay more attention, remember more vividly, and react more strongly to emotions or experiences that we deem bad or hopeless.

Negativity bias can also affect our social interactions, making us more likely to remember negative interactions with others than positive ones, and leading to a greater likelihood of conflicts and resentment.

This bias is thought to have evolved as a survival mechanism to help us identify and avoid potential threats or dangers in our environment.

However, in today’s world, it can lead to underestimating the probability of favorable results, which can cause feelings of anxiety, fear, and pessimism. 

According to a recent study, other reasons behind the negativity bias also stem from low self-esteem and social anxiety. This means that people who have deep insecurities or lack confidence in social interactions are less likely to believe in positive outcomes.

If we want to maintain a healthy perspective, it’s important to be aware of this bias and to consciously work to balance negative experiences with positive ones.

💡 By the way: Do you find it hard to be happy and in control of your life? It may not be your fault. To help you feel better, we’ve condensed the information of 100’s of articles into a 10-step mental health cheat sheet to help you be more in control. 👇

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Negative bias in real life

I myself am no stranger to the negativity bias. As a highly anxious person, I have the tendency to think of the worst-case scenario, believing that I always have to prepare myself for failure or rejection.

Sometimes, my anxiety and negativity can cloud my judgment and keep me from seeing all the things that are going well in my life. I can be hyper-focused on the challenges that I have to overcome and forget to take a moment to appreciate my small wins.

I wouldn’t say that anxious people are negative people. It’s just a matter of reminding ourselves that it’s okay to take a break, enjoy life, and look forward to better days!

10 characteristics of negative people

The thing about negative people is that you can easily spot them in just a brief interaction.

Here are some signs that will give them away.

1. They are pessimistic

Negative people see the glass as half-empty rather than half-full. They tend to focus on what’s wrong rather than what’s right.

If you’re frequently surrounded by negative people, you can be discouraged to look favorably at the future. So, make sure to ward off those negative vibes especially when you badly want to succeed!

We’ve written more about pessimists before, with some helpful tips on how to stop being one!

2. They always complain

Have you ever had a colleague who only whines about how hard a task is and never tries to think of a solution? Negative people think that everything in life should be easy. As a result, they tend to complain a lot even about the smallest things.

In cases like this, it’s better to avoid engaging with them and spare yourself the drama. Focus on what needs to be done instead.

3. They are judgmental

Negative people can be very critical of others. They can easily find flaws and never see the good in people. Being judgmental also keeps them from showing empathy to those they encounter.

When you’re on the receiving end of someone’s negativity, try your best not to be affected. Don’t take it personally because their criticisms are probably just a projection of their own insecurities.

In the meantime, try to practice non-judgment as a way to focus on positivity.

4. They constantly blame others

When something goes wrong, negative people instantly pass the blame onto others and would refuse to take responsibility. They like to point fingers but never at themselves.

If you ever come across this kind of person, try to stay calm and don’t waste your energy by getting too defensive. Just keep doing you, and eventually, their cracks will show in the light.

If you’re interested in learning more, here’s our article on how to take responsibility for your own actions (instead of shifting blame to someone else).

5. They bring other people down

Negative people are like crabs in a bucket. They pull others down to prevent them from succeeding. They subscribe to the idea that if they can’t have it, neither can anyone else.

Imagine having a friend who’s envious of you. You may not notice it right away, but it could be influencing you to make bad decisions or dragging you in the wrong direction. If this happens, you may need to start setting boundaries to stay on the right track.

6. They hold grudges

When someone lets negativity take over their life, they may find it hard to practice forgiveness. They can be resentful towards those who have wronged them and don’t believe that people can change for the better.

If you feel like this aspect of negativity is affecting you, learning how to let go of grudges can do wonders for your well-being. Remember that it’s never too late to bring positivity into your life!

7. They have low self-esteem

Behind their harsh exterior, negative people can be suffering from their own lack of confidence. Because they have a negative view of the world, they tend to undermine their own abilities and be critical of themselves as well.

It’s important to note that everyone has negative thoughts from time to time. But when this behavior affects the way we view ourselves and interact with others, then it’s a sign that we need to step back and reflect on how we can do better.

8. They resist change

What makes negative people distinct is their resistance to change. They can get stuck in a cycle of repeated mistakes and uncaring behavior. What’s worse is that they can pull you into this downward spiral if you’re not careful enough.

When someone refuses to make an effort to do better, you can try to suggest positive solutions to their problems. If nothing changes, at least you’ve done your part to help them!

9. They are toxic

Having negative people in your life can be extremely toxic. They can make you feel drained, unsupported, and inferior. They may even manipulate you into thinking that you are the one breeding negativity in the room.

Remember that negative people aren’t worth stressing over. Don’t let anyone question your capabilities or stomp on your hopes and dreams. Instead, focus on the people who are willing to build a healthy relationship with you.

If you want to learn more, here are 10 signs that you’re dealing with a toxic person.

10. They don’t have people who support them

There’s little wonder why negative people don’t have a lot of support around them. Their attitude can be a turn-off and prevent them from having lasting relationships.

If someone close to you is ridden with negativity, you may offer some form of encouragement and shed a positive light towards their way. However, know when it’s time to cut ties and just be better off without them.

💡 By the way: If you want to start feeling better and more productive, I’ve condensed the information of 100’s of our articles into a 10-step mental health cheat sheet here. 👇

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Wrapping up

By learning to identify negative behavior and setting healthy boundaries, we can protect ourselves from the harmful effects of negativity and maintain a more positive outlook on life. It would be wise to limit contact, focus on our positive relationships, and practice self-care when dealing with negative people.

Do these traits sound familiar to you? How else can you identify a negative person? Let me know in the comments below!

Madel Asuncion AuthorLinkedIn Logo

Writer and advocate for young people’s mental health. Firm believer of validating one’s feelings, prioritizing the inner-self, and finding happiness in a plate of chicken curry.

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10 Characteristics of Authentic People (With Examples) https://www.trackinghappiness.com/authentic-people/ https://www.trackinghappiness.com/authentic-people/#respond Thu, 16 Feb 2023 16:07:00 +0000 https://www.trackinghappiness.com/?p=18487 Achieving authenticity is not always easy. It requires a great deal of awareness, acceptance, and courage. Here are 10 signs to recognize authentic peopl

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Authenticity is a trait that many people aspire to have, yet few truly possess. Authentic people are those who stay true to themselves, their values, and their beliefs. They are comfortable in their own skin, and they don’t try to put on a façade to impress others or fit in with the crowd. 

Instead, they are honest, transparent, and open about their intentions and feelings. Authentic people are often respected and admired, but being authentic is not always easy. It can require a great deal of courage, vulnerability, and self-awareness. 

In this article, we’ll explore what it means to be an authentic person, the benefits of authenticity, and how you can cultivate authenticity in your own life.

Why authenticity matters

Being authentic enables us to live a life that is true to who we are, rather than conforming to the expectations of others or trying to be someone we’re not. By embracing our individuality and expressing ourselves freely, we can live a life that is more fulfilling and aligned with our personal values and goals.

For these reasons, authenticity can have a profound impact on our overall well-being. A study has found that people who scored high on a measure of authentic living are happier, experience more positive emotions, and develop higher self-esteem.

Authenticity also puts less stress on how we live our lives. In positive psychology, being authentic can be simply defined as “feeling like yourself.” This is affirmed by recent studies, which interpret authenticity as recognizing when something “feels right” and following that instinct. 

Without trying too hard, authenticity leads us to where we should be according to what feels true and consistent with our beliefs and identity.

💡 By the way: Do you find it hard to be happy and in control of your life? It may not be your fault. To help you feel better, we’ve condensed the information of 100’s of articles into a 10-step mental health cheat sheet to help you be more in control. 👇

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Meeting authentic people

When you meet authentic people, they are certainly for keeps. In my experience, making new friends isn’t easy. And, for a long time, I thought that my introverted personality was the simple reason behind this. 

But, as I got older, I realized that I’m naturally drawn to connections that run deeper and feel more authentic. For me, building genuine relationships that last is more important than having a big circle of friends who come and go.

The close-knit friends that I bring a great deal of support and positivity into my life. I value them for being honest about their intentions, sharing their vulnerabilities with me, and not needing to put a “mask” on when they’re around me.

Having authentic people in my life means that I have real friends whom I can trust and rely on. Knowing that I’m always in a safe space when I’m with them also allows me to cultivate authenticity and be my truest self.

10 characteristics of authentic people

It can be difficult to know for certain if someone is authentic, as people can be good at presenting a false image of themselves. 

However, there are some signs that may indicate that someone is authentic:

1. They are self-aware

Self-awareness is a key characteristic of authentic people because it allows them to understand themselves deeply. They are attuned to themselves, their strengths, and their limitations. 

Self-awareness is the foundation for authenticity because it allows us to make choices and act in ways that align with our truest selves. If you want to develop authenticity in your life, start by reflecting inward and identifying the things that make you, you.

2. They are honest

Authentic people are honest with themselves and others. They don’t pretend to be someone they are not or lie about what they’re thinking, feeling, or experiencing. 

Authenticity is all about being true to yourself and expressing yourself in an open and transparent way. By being honest, you can also attract the right people and build genuine relationships!

3. They value integrity

Authenticity and integrity are closely related concepts that both involve being true to oneself and one’s values. Those who are authentic give importance to integrity because they hold themselves to a high moral standard and are committed to doing what is right.

Remember that being authentic requires integrity even when it is difficult or inconvenient to you. You must stand your ground, and don’t let anything sway what you believe to be true and just.

If you want more tips, here’s our article with tips on how to live with integrity.

4. They show consistency

Consistency is an important aspect of authenticity, as it involves being in alignment with one’s identity and principles over time. Authentic people are consistent in their words, actions, and behavior. 

Once you are aligned with your values, you must live in accordance with these truths. Never change who you are just to fit in or to gain acceptance from others. Keep doing you!

5. They are not afraid to be vulnerable

Those who live authentically are comfortable being vulnerable. They naturally share their true feelings with others and don’t put up walls to hide their true selves.

It can be scary to be vulnerable with others. To be authentic, practice by opening up to the people that you trust. This way, you know that you won’t be judged or rejected when you show them your true colors.

Here’s one of our articles on vulnerability with 11 examples, if you’re looking for more inspiration!

6. They are creative

An authentic person often has a strong sense of creativity, as they are willing to express themselves in unique and unconventional ways. They are not afraid to be different or stand out from the crowd.

If you want to nurture your authenticity, tap into those creative juices and explore the most inventive ways that you can reveal your truest self!

7. They practice empathy

Authentic people are empathetic and understanding of others’ feelings and perspectives. They take the time to listen and try to understand where other people are coming from. 

Empathy can enhance our authenticity, as it allows us to connect with others in a deeper and more meaningful way. Keep in mind that authenticity isn’t just about ourselves, but it also extends to the way we relate to others.

Showing empathy is sometimes easier said than done. Here’s our article on how to be more emphatic with 7 actionable tips.

8. They are courageous

Authentic people are often brave and willing to take risks. In order to stay true to themselves, they take courage in the face of judgment, rejection, and even failure.

If you feel like you’re the type of person who can power through such challenges, then your inner strength is already a testament to your authenticity!

9. They remain humble

Humility is indicative of an authentic person. As they are not concerned with impressing others or projecting an image, authentic people simply focus on being genuine and true to who they are.

If you want to live an authentic life, there’s no need for you to boast your accomplishments or go after titles and popularity. Instead, celebrate yourself for who you are and where you are at this moment. Believe us when we say that you are already winning!

10. They are comfortable in their own skin

Authentic people learn how to accept themselves. They embrace their strengths, weaknesses, and every quirk in between. They know when they have to improve and when to validate their most unique traits.

Authenticity and self-acceptance can reinforce each other, creating a positive cycle that leads to greater self-awareness, self-expression, and personal growth.

💡 By the way: If you want to start feeling better and more productive, I’ve condensed the information of 100’s of our articles into a 10-step mental health cheat sheet here. 👇

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Wrapping up

Achieving authenticity is not always easy. It requires a great deal of awareness, acceptance, and courage to be vulnerable in a world that often values conformity and superficiality.

However, staying authentic can be powerful and can bring many benefits to our lives. It allows us to build strong and meaningful relationships, cultivate a sense of purpose and fulfillment, and live a life that is true to who we are. 

Do you resonate with these characteristics? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment below!

Madel Asuncion AuthorLinkedIn Logo

Writer and advocate for young people’s mental health. Firm believer of validating one’s feelings, prioritizing the inner-self, and finding happiness in a plate of chicken curry.

The post 10 Characteristics of Authentic People (With Examples) appeared first on Tracking Happiness.

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10 Signs of a Reserved Person (& Why Being Reserved is Good) https://www.trackinghappiness.com/signs-of-reserved-person/ https://www.trackinghappiness.com/signs-of-reserved-person/#comments Fri, 03 Feb 2023 13:33:00 +0000 https://www.trackinghappiness.com/?p=18206 Reserved people can seem like mysteries, but there are some common signs. Here are 10 qualities that can help you understand them on a deeper level.

The post 10 Signs of a Reserved Person (& Why Being Reserved is Good) appeared first on Tracking Happiness.

Ever met someone whose personality can be typically described as “reserved?” They’re usually less likely to initiate conversations or share personal information easily. They can take a lot of time to warm up to others and prefer to keep their thoughts and feelings to themselves.

To some, the term “reserved” may seem like a bad thing, but it’s not a negative quality at all. In fact, being reserved can be an admirable trait. People who have a reserved nature tend to be introspective, thoughtful, and full of meaning.

Reserved people can be seen as an enigma, but there are some common signs that can help identify a reserved person. This article will discuss 10 qualities that can help you understand them deeper.

Explaining reservedness

It can be hard to figure out why some people are more reserved than others. After all, in a world where social media allows us to share every thought and feeling, being reserved is far from the norm. 

One main factor that can explain someone’s reserved quality is introversion.

In psychology, this refers to a personality trait characterized by a focus on one’s inner thoughts and feelings, rather than on external factors such as social interaction and stimulation. Introverts tend to prefer solitary activities, enjoy being alone, and find social interactions draining. In some ways, those who are highly introverted can also come off as reserved.

Another trait that can be associated with reservedness is “openness” which is one of the five dimensions of personality in the Five Factor Model of Personality. It refers to an individual’s degree of imagination, creativity, and willingness to experience new things. 

A low score in openness may explain why some people can be reserved. They usually have the tendency to: 

  • Take fewer risks.
  • Stick to routines.
  • Dislike change.
  • Be resistant to new ideas and experiences.
  • Value stability and practicality.

However, one important thing to note is that these traits exist on a spectrum and, therefore, should not be considered as definitive or negative.

💡 By the way: Do you find it hard to be happy and in control of your life? It may not be your fault. To help you feel better, we’ve condensed the information of 100’s of articles into a 10-step mental health cheat sheet to help you be more in control. 👇

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Signs of a reserved person

In order to get a clearer picture of what being reserved means, here are some signs you can be more aware of.

1. They exude calmness

Reserved people often have a low-key and easy-going demeanor. It may seem like they don’t get too bothered by anything at all.

Having a reserved person around you can actually be beneficial because they can create a calm atmosphere even in the most stressful situations!

Being calm comes with many other important benefits, which we’ve explained in this article.

2. They are comfortable in silence

For some of us, silence can be extremely awkward. But, for reserved people, it can provide comfort and an opportunity to be more attuned to their inner world.

When it comes to reserved people, the best way to break the silence is to allow them to express themselves in their own time and at their own pace.

3. They shy away from attention

It’s common to find that a reserved person is not one to seek the attention of others. Usually, they prefer to remain in the background rather than step into the spotlight. They may not be as outgoing or talkative as others and may even come off as shy.

The worst thing that you can do to a naturally reserved person is to make them the center of attention. So be careful with putting them on the spot or planning surprise parties with a big crowd!

4. They may seem conservative

Reserved people are often perceived as being conservative, as they tend to be cautious and careful in their behavior and interactions. However, being reserved does not necessarily indicate a person’s political or social views, and it’s important to avoid making assumptions based on limited information.

Once you spend the genuine effort to get to know them, you’ll find out where their interests, beliefs, and hearts truly lie.

5. They are deep thinkers

A reserved person is someone who is introspective and mindful of their environment. They may appear to be more aloof or unengaged, but they are usually taking in a lot more information than they let on.

Reserved people take the time to think before they speak, leading to more thoughtful and considered responses.

If you want to learn more, here’s our article with tips on how to talk less and listen more.

6. They take time to open up

Reserved people tend to observe more than they interact. As a result, they may also take longer to warm up to those around them and won’t open up until they feel comfortable.

Engaging with a reserved person can be difficult at first, as they may not be very vocal in conversations. It is important to remember that they are still listening, taking in the information, and formulating responses. Patience and sincerity are the keys to connecting with them!

7. They manage their emotions well

When it comes to managing their emotions, a reserved person tends to have a strong sense of self-control and an ability to reflect before reacting.

While some may think that being reserved means having zero emotions, this is far from the truth. Reserved individuals are often aware of their own feelings and those of others even when they don’t express them out loud.

This way, they are more likely to better handle their emotions than others.

8. They are intentional

A reserved person is someone who may not always be the loudest in the room, but they are the most intentional in their interactions. They take their time to really listen and understand what is being said, and they rarely offer a response without thought.

Reserved people will not give away their true thoughts easily. But when they do, what they share is genuine. For this reason, you might find that receiving advice from a reserved person is always so valuable!

9. They have tight-knit relationships

Some reserved people may prefer smaller social circles and closer relationships. They value quality over quantity which is why their connections are deeper and more meaningful.

If a reserved person considers you as a friend, then you probably made a real positive impact on them. Considering all the wonderful qualities that come with their reservedness, you’re lucky to have them in your corner!

10. They often surprise people

Just because someone is reserved in social situations doesn’t mean that they don’t have a lot to offer or that they’re not full of surprises. 

In fact, many reserved individuals have a rich inner life and are very thoughtful, creative, and imaginative. They may also have strong opinions and deep passions that they are not always quick to share.

When you get a more vivid picture of a reserved person, their true colors might just dazzle you!

💡 By the way: If you want to start feeling better and more productive, I’ve condensed the information of 100’s of our articles into a 10-step mental health cheat sheet here. 👇

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Wrapping Up

It’s important to keep in mind that everyone is unique and that these generalizations may not apply to all reserved individuals. Additionally, just because someone is reserved, it doesn’t mean they’re not friendly or approachable. 

Respect their boundaries and give them the space they need to feel comfortable in social interactions, and they’ll surely open up and become more engaged over time.

What are your thoughts on reserved people? Do you consider yourself one? Sound off in the comments below!

Madel Asuncion AuthorLinkedIn Logo

Writer and advocate for young people’s mental health. Firm believer of validating one’s feelings, prioritizing the inner-self, and finding happiness in a plate of chicken curry.

The post 10 Signs of a Reserved Person (& Why Being Reserved is Good) appeared first on Tracking Happiness.

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