Hugo Huijer

I'm the founder of Tracking Happiness, which I started in an effort to find like-minded people from all over the world. The goal of Tracking Happiness is to help you better manage your mental health. I started by writing about tracking your happiness in a journal, but the content quickly grew into many other topics.

I interviewed over 100 people about mental health struggles, in an effort to destigmatize mental health issues. Together with my team, I try to turn these stories into actionable insights, lessons and tips to better help those who are struggling with similar challenges.

I'm from the Netherlands, love skateboarding, ran 5 marathons, with one of them in under 4 hours (3:59:58 to be exact). I consider myself to be a data junkie and have tracked my happiness for over 10 years!

You can read more about my backstory here.

Tracking Happiness editorial guidelines

Our team is committed to bringing you mental health information that you can fully trust. We want you to feel confident that Tracking Happiness provides unbiased, trustworthy, and accurate information about your mental health, which is why we’re so committed to our editorial process. This means that we don't depend on any AI tool to create our content. Unlike other publishers, we steer away from using automatically generated text, to protect you and ourselves from misinformation and unactionable content.

Finally, we try to include real examples and stories from our community. Mental health advice can often seem unactionable and ambiguous. We always aim to give you actual steps to help you incorporate best practices into your life.

Read more about our processes here.

All articles of Hugo

happiness engineering model featured

Blog, Studies

Engineering A Happiness Prediction Model

This is the world’s first happiness prediction model. This essay explains how it’s been built from start to finish, with numerous animations and supporting visualizations. It’s actually the most in-depth happiness essay I’ve ever published.

grateful vs thankful featured image

Blog, Misc

Grateful vs. Thankful: What’s The Difference? (Answer + Examples)

This post covers the concepts of being grateful vs. being thankful. Although they are practically synonyms, there is still a difference between these two ideas. But more than anything, this post will show you actionable methods that you can use right away to become more grateful and thankful. This will make you a better version of yourself, while also increasing the happiness on our little planet!

sleep morning wake up featured

Blog, Studies

Happy Mornings – Research On Personal Happiness And Waking Up

As a follow-up to my first sleep study, I have analyzed 1,272 nights of sleep and happiness tracking data in order to find out if waking up early has any influence on my happiness! This study includes my entire set of data, from my wacky sleep rhythm to my alarm clock times. I embark on a journey to find out if waking up early is beneficial for my happiness.

alex cence featured

Blog, Misc

Interview With Happiness Expert Alejandro Cencerrado

A couple of weeks ago, I got in touch with Alex, an analyst at the Happiness Research Institute. Turns out Alex has tracked his happiness for the last 13 years! He lives and breathes like a data analyst, and happens to be passionate about happiness just like all of us! In this interview, he shares how he started, what he has learned from tracking his happiness and explains some of the work he does regarding happiness research!

happiness scale featured

Blog, Happiness

Happiness On A Scale From 1 To 10 (How To + Implications)

Ever since I started tracking my happiness, I have seen a lot of different scales being used. My method of tracking happiness uses a scale from 1 to 10. Over the years, I have received a lot of questions and comments about this happiness scale. There are many reports, platforms, surveys and apps that track happiness on a different scale! This article discusses why the Tracking Happiness method is based on a happiness scale from 1 to 10.

sanjay tracking happiness featured

Blog, Misc

What You Can Learn From Tracking Your Happiness! (Case Study)

This is the first community post here on Tracking Happiness. Joining us here is Sanjay, and he is about to share what he has learned from tracking his happiness for the past half year. It began with a simple routine of recording my happiness levels every day. He didn’t think too much of it at the time, but soon enough his life started changing. This first community post shows exactly how he improved his life!

work v happiness reddit study featured

Blog, Misc

Does Salary Justify Your Happiness Sacrifice At Work? [+Survey Results]

After publishing my in-depth analysis of happiness at work, I turned to Reddit for more opinions on this interesting topic. The reaction I got was insane. I didn’t originally plan this post, but it now includes all of the reactions I received on Reddit. It shows how the community of Reddit feels towards their jobs, and if they need to sacrifice a lot of happiness for it. The article ends with a call to action, to inspire others to think about this interesting question as well to continue the discussions!