18 Interviews With People Struggling With Suicidal Ideation

We have interviewed 18 people who have struggled with suicidal ideation. These stories are full of inspiring tips on how to deal with these feelings. Please allow these stories to be a beacon of hope for you, and know that there is always a way out.

Most recent stories of people struggling with suicidal ideation

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Are you struggling with suicidal thoughts?

I’ve interviewed 18 people struggling with suicidal ideation, and here are the top 5 most mentioned tips that helped these people overcome it:

  1. Social support (10 people helped)
  2. Reinventing yourself (9 people helped)
  3. Therapy (9 people helped)
  4. Self-improvement (6 people helped)
  5. Medication (5 people helped)

In our many years of publishing helpful mental health content, we always received questions from our readers about specific situations. While we have a lot of helpful tips to share on how to be happier, we simply can’t offer advice for every situation.

That’s why I’ve set out to interview folks with every type of mental health struggle. My job as an interviewer is to categorize these interviews and present them in a way that is most helpful to our readers.

Read all the case studies

Julijana Featured Image

My Bipolar Disorder Journey and How Therapy and Medication Help Me Navigate

“I wish I knew that I was worthy of the treatment and that everything I felt was valid. Because it is, no one is the same. Even with the same condition, we are all different.
I was scared of what was happening to me. I was full of hatred, sadness, guilt, disappointment in the world, etc., but sometimes I still am! And that’s valid.”

Rob Kalwarowsky Featured Image

How a Toxic Boss Pushed Me to Into a Depression and How I Bounced Back

“In my first job in mining, I saved my company millions. I thought I was on the fast track to success and happiness, but it all came crashing down. I had a toxic boss and it led me to turn in on myself. Day by day, my manager ground me down. He made me question my choices at work, then my purpose, then whether my life itself had any meaning…”

Rita Vilhena Featured Image

How I Learned to Manage Depression and BPD Through Art and Self-Development

“Do not listen to people who have achieved nothing in life, especially if you are an overachiever and ambitious person, if you have a dream, run after your dream, God has plans for you and he gifted each one of us with something. My gift was in the arts and since I was 14 years old I’ve been after that dream, even if my own family has tried to “cut off” my legs. Fight for your dream, when things are being the hardest and you’re ready to quit, that is when you shouldn’t quit because big things are coming.”

Morgan McCarthy Featured Image

How Cerebral Palsy Impacts My Mental Health And How I Find Happiness Nonethelss

“At my worst, I would hurt myself so I had an escape and a release. There are points where I feel so out of control in my body that even breathing is a task. I hold my breath. In truth, I have night terrors about what my funeral would be like, who would show up? Would I be missed? Would people come out of the woodwork when I was gone? If I left this body here would I hurt less? I battle every single day with loss. Your mind begins to play tricks on you.”

Sam Russell Featured Image

How Inner Dialogue and Spirituality Helped Me Overcome Depression & Suicidal Thoughts

“What therapists would label as “mental health” issues—as I’ve aged and grown perspective in my life, I would have to disagree wholeheartedly. Unstable environments and adults that failed to protect me from predators were the sole contributors to my unstable years.”

MaryAddison Yates Featured Image

How the 12-Step Program and Therapy Helped Me Deal With Addiction, Depression & ADHD

“I met my future husband when I was 26 but I never felt truly connected to him. I felt just as invisible to him as I did to everyone else. When we decided we wanted to have children, by some miracle, I was able to abstain from drinking just before and during my pregnancy. I coped by being very controlling, a shopaholic, and a workaholic. The twins were born when I was 31 and postpartum depression led me back to the only solution I thought I had: drinking”

Andrea Blindt Featured Image

Successfully Battling Depression and Tragedy Upon Tragedy to Find Happiness

“The pregnancy ended up being even more high risk than my prior ones and I was placed in the hospital for six weeks. Depression and anxiety returned as my young daughter bounced between family and friends during my absence. I missed her terribly and my body ached without her presence, but I pushed forward knowing that each day I stayed pregnant brought us one day closer to our baby.”

Jonathan Featured Image 2

My Journey From Alcoholism to 1 Year Into Sobriety and Better Mental Health

“Being sober or being ‘okay’ isn’t about becoming perfect. A lot of people expect to look better or earn more or fall in love and so on. Sure, it can happen – but those are not pillars to build yourself on, because they can fade. You need to do an inventory with yourself or a therapist, look into who you are that brings you such shame or guilt, and start confronting that.”

Haeun Featured Image 1

My 10-Year Journey of Overcoming PTSD and Hatred After Sexual Assault

“Don’t hate yourself for the trauma. The path to happiness is not a single one. There are many ways to be happy so the impossibility to turn back time before trauma does not mean you can never be happy. You can be happy again. You can trust others again. Don’t lose your hope to survive. Someday, you will be thankful for your past self who did not give up your life.”