12 Interviews With People Struggling With an Eating disorder

We have interviewed 12 people who have struggled with eating disorders of all types. These stories are full of inspiring tips on how to deal with these struggles. Please allow these stories to be a beacon of hope for you, and know that there is always a way out.

Most recent stories of people struggling with suicidal ideation

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Are you struggling with an eating disorder?

I’ve interviewed 12 people struggling with eating disorders, and here are the top 5 most mentioned tips that helped these people overcome it:

  1. Therapy (5 people helped)
  2. Self-improvement (5 people helped)
  3. Social support (4 people helped)
  4. Self-Care (3 people helped)
  5. Reinventing yourself (3 people helped)

In our many years of publishing helpful mental health content, we always received questions from our readers about specific situations. While we have a lot of helpful tips to share on how to be happier, we simply can’t offer advice for every situation.

That’s why I’ve set out to interview folks with every type of mental health struggle. My job as an interviewer is to categorize these interviews and present them in a way that is most helpful to our readers.

Read all the case studies

Victoria Nielsen Featured Image

Yoga Helped Me Overcome Anxiety, Binge Eating and Body Dysmorphia

“At my worst moments, post-college, I think I truly hated myself. Again, to the outside eye, I was high-functioning, but I was making really poor decisions. I was cheating on my boyfriend at the time, partying for all hours, and doing anything I could to escape my reality.”

Stephanie Gilbert Featured Image

How I Recovered From Anorexia and OCD With a Specialized Therapist

“Finding a therapist that I felt believed in my recovery completely shifted things for me. Which is why I became a therapist too. I felt like I wasn’t alone, that there was someone who understood and didn’t judge me for what I was going through. And she believed in me at times more than I believed in myself.”

Sarah Rollins Featured Image

Residential Treatment Started My Healing Journey From Eating Disorders & Negative Body Image

“In my experience, I don’t think I could’ve recovered without residential treatment. Residential treatment is long-term (minimum 28 days) where you stay overnight at a facility and spend the day in individual and group therapy. In treatment, I was able to get out of my environment, focus solely on getting better, and not have to worry about school, friends, family, or work.”

Cherie Miller Featured Image

How I Recovered From Negative Body Image and Binge Eating With Therapy and Social Support

“Having an eating disorder is so much more than just wanting to be thin. Yes, I was obsessed with wanting to lose weight, but there were many, many other things underneath that. I desperately wanted to feel good about myself and loved by others. At times, my eating disorder gave me that sense of identity, accomplishment, and approval I wanted.”

Alana Van Der Sluys Featured Image

My Story of Overcoming Binge Eating and Negative Body Image to Achieve True Health

“I couldn’t allow myself to be happy. Even at my lowest weight (which is considered “underweight”), I hated who I saw in the mirror. It was never enough and it would never be enough because my actual body wasn’t the problem. I would never feel worthy until I gave that feeling of worthiness to myself. I always felt I was never enough. I was always anxious and nervous about food.”

Jonathan Featured Image 2

My Journey From Alcoholism to 1 Year Into Sobriety and Better Mental Health

“Being sober or being ‘okay’ isn’t about becoming perfect. A lot of people expect to look better or earn more or fall in love and so on. Sure, it can happen – but those are not pillars to build yourself on, because they can fade. You need to do an inventory with yourself or a therapist, look into who you are that brings you such shame or guilt, and start confronting that.”

Julie Crawford Interview Featured Image

Managing My Flying & Food Anxiety By Forcibly Flying, Trying New Food & Therapy

“My worst moment was when my husband found me sobbing on the closet floor after I had just come home from work. My boss wanted me to work on something I had no idea how to do or any interest in doing. I already felt stupid and trying to work with a coworker on this project was only going to make me feel worse about myself.”

Lark Begin Interview Featured Image

Therapy and Self-Care Helped me Overcome Postpartum Depression

“The depression has drained a part of my life that I will never get back. I can’t seem to not see the dark side of things even when I’m fully happy – I feel like it won’t last. I hid it – until the depression manifested itself into an eating disorder. I got very thin, then people started to worry. My parents pushed me into doing therapy as they were very worried about my health.”