54 Interviews With People Who've Been Helped By Self-improvement

We have interviewed 54 people who have overcome struggles with the help of self-improvement. These stories show that self-improvement is one of the most powerful ways to overcome struggles of mental health.

Most recent stories of people helped by self-improvement

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Are you looking for stories on self-improvement?

I’ve interviewed 54 people who have been helped by self-improvement, and here are the top 5 struggles that these people have overcome:

  1. Anxiety (31 posts)
  2. Depression (25 posts)
  3. Childhood (16 posts)
  4. Grief (9 posts)
  5. Panic attacks (8 posts)

In our many years of publishing helpful mental health content, we always received questions from our readers about specific situations. While we have a lot of helpful tips to share on how to be happier, we simply can’t offer advice for every situation.

That’s why I’ve set out to interview folks with every type of mental health struggle. My job as an interviewer is to categorize these interviews and present them in a way that is most helpful to our readers.

Read all the case studies

Sam Russell Featured Image

How Inner Dialogue and Spirituality Helped Me Overcome Depression & Suicidal Thoughts

“What therapists would label as “mental health” issues—as I’ve aged and grown perspective in my life, I would have to disagree wholeheartedly. Unstable environments and adults that failed to protect me from predators were the sole contributors to my unstable years.”

Andrea Blindt Featured Image

Successfully Battling Depression and Tragedy Upon Tragedy to Find Happiness

“The pregnancy ended up being even more high risk than my prior ones and I was placed in the hospital for six weeks. Depression and anxiety returned as my young daughter bounced between family and friends during my absence. I missed her terribly and my body ached without her presence, but I pushed forward knowing that each day I stayed pregnant brought us one day closer to our baby.”

Alana Van Der Sluys Featured Image

My Story of Overcoming Binge Eating and Negative Body Image to Achieve True Health

“I couldn’t allow myself to be happy. Even at my lowest weight (which is considered “underweight”), I hated who I saw in the mirror. It was never enough and it would never be enough because my actual body wasn’t the problem. I would never feel worthy until I gave that feeling of worthiness to myself. I always felt I was never enough. I was always anxious and nervous about food.”

Monica Machera Featured Image 1

A Purpose Mentorship Helped Me Overcome Anxiety Disorder and Psychosis

“When I started recovering, I realized that I had lost myself during that time. Not in a bad way but I had lost my confidence, purpose, and hope. That was when I came across a purpose mentorship program by a Zimbabwean author, entrepreneur, and purpose mentor Ralph Kadurira who has still remained my mentor to this day. The program was everything I needed to get back on my feet.”

Niki Colemont Featured Image

Finding My Passion for Wildlife Photography Helped Me Overcome Grief and Drinking

“When I was in the garden photographing the red squirrels I could forget everything and I found peace with myself and in my head. I also reached the national geographic finals in 2019. That motivated me to enter more photography contests and take my photography to the next level. I totally stopped drinking in 2022 just to focus more on my photography.”

Jessica Clark Featured Image 1

Navigating Depression and Anxiety By Finding The Right Therapist and Books

“Considering the duration of my struggle, anxiety, and depression have been constants in my life. Over the years, I had tried numerous medications and visited countless therapists, but nothing seemed to offer lasting relief. It wasn’t until I discovered these resources, particularly the “DARE” book, that I finally started to see a glimmer of hope and progress toward overcoming my challenges.”