Hugo Huijer

I'm the founder of Tracking Happiness, which I started in an effort to find like-minded people from all over the world. The goal of Tracking Happiness is to help you better manage your mental health. I started by writing about tracking your happiness in a journal, but the content quickly grew into many other topics.

I interviewed over 100 people about mental health struggles, in an effort to destigmatize mental health issues. Together with my team, I try to turn these stories into actionable insights, lessons and tips to better help those who are struggling with similar challenges.

I'm from the Netherlands, love skateboarding, ran 5 marathons, with one of them in under 4 hours (3:59:58 to be exact). I consider myself to be a data junkie and have tracked my happiness for over 10 years!

You can read more about my backstory here.

Tracking Happiness editorial guidelines

Our team is committed to bringing you mental health information that you can fully trust. We want you to feel confident that Tracking Happiness provides unbiased, trustworthy, and accurate information about your mental health, which is why we’re so committed to our editorial process. This means that we don't depend on any AI tool to create our content. Unlike other publishers, we steer away from using automatically generated text, to protect you and ourselves from misinformation and unactionable content.

Finally, we try to include real examples and stories from our community. Mental health advice can often seem unactionable and ambiguous. We always aim to give you actual steps to help you incorporate best practices into your life.

Read more about our processes here.

All articles of Hugo

Alison Angold Interview Featured Image 2

Case studies

Moving Forward: A Young Life Coach’s Self-Empowerment Journey & Lessons Learned

“The best thing my divorced parents ever did for ~9-year-old me was send me to weekly therapy sessions which I’ve kept up most of my life (minus ~2 years in high school). Thanks to growing up with a profound mental health awareness, I promised myself that I was going to commit to a healthier lifestyle by focusing on my emotional well-being first and foremost. Deep inside me, I knew that was how I’d improve everything else.”

Alison Angold Interview Featured Image

Case studies

How I’m Managing My Social Anxiety by Being Open About It & Accepting Myself

“Wondering why you are different and why you can’t do or struggle with certain aspects of life, is an uphill battle. We have to accept that we are different. Decide how you are different and deal with that. How are you different from others? What do you struggle with? Are there any adaptations you can make to make things easier – even if it is not considered the norm?”