
Andrea Blindt Featured Image

Successfully Battling Depression and Tragedy Upon Tragedy to Find Happiness

“The pregnancy ended up being even more high risk than my prior ones and I was placed in the hospital for six weeks. Depression and anxiety returned as my young daughter bounced between family and friends during my absence. I missed her terribly and my body ached without her presence, but I pushed forward knowing that each day I stayed pregnant brought us one day closer to our baby.”

Angela Philips Featured Image

Navigating Baby Blues and Depression in My Postpartum Journey and Breaking the Stigma

“I was in a fog, so confused, and felt all over the place. I had to relearn myself when to anticipate these challenges occurring and plan for prevention, do more outreach for support and be really open with my partner about all of the above. This is really difficult to do all while trying to figure out what’s going on with your body and brain, and a new human to care for.”

Niki Colemont Featured Image

Finding My Passion for Wildlife Photography Helped Me Overcome Grief and Drinking

“When I was in the garden photographing the red squirrels I could forget everything and I found peace with myself and in my head. I also reached the national geographic finals in 2019. That motivated me to enter more photography contests and take my photography to the next level. I totally stopped drinking in 2022 just to focus more on my photography.”