
Tiffany McGee Featured Image

Therapy and Medication Helped Me Overcome Depression, Anxiety and Burnout From Work

“My therapist played a crucial role in guiding me through this journey. She encouraged me to undergo medical checkups, which led to getting my hormone levels checked and eventually starting on medication. This medical intervention, combined with therapy, laid the foundation for my healing process.”

Sarah Ezrin Featured Image

Meditation and Wellness Helped Me Navigate GAD and Transform My Life

“I began medication, which can be a bit of a taboo in the wellness and yoga worlds. A lot of people believe you can ‘heal’ yourself through diet and meditation. But I had been trying that approach my whole life and though I definitely had periods where my anxiety was lessened, this was a point where I needed way more help.”

Sharanya Ramakrishnan Featured Image

How I Navigated Anxiety, Depression and Panic Attacks As I Settled Abroad in a New World

“The part that was hardest to deal with was waking up every day, for months, going through your day, and doing the bare minimum. Because I just could not find a reason to do anything. I did not have the energy to live my life and that crushed me the most.”

Lisa Dimino White Featured Image

Overcoming Constant Fear and Anxiety With Therapy, Medication and Self-Improvement

“Every ache or feeling I had in my abdomen required a call or trip to my doctor’s office to get assurance that everything was okay. One morning on my way to work I slipped on the ice in my driveway….I wasn’t hurt, but I couldn’t stop obsessing over it until I knew that the baby wasn’t either.”

Cyn Kubiak Featured Image 2

Navigating the Tragic Death of My Husband and Finding Purpose Again

“One thing I did was to force myself to get back into the water, something I loved instead of staying in the house crying. Getting back to surfing began my journey to a new “me”. The ocean has a way of washing away whatever feels wrong. This was my best therapy. I strongly advise others to find something they love to do and rekindle their spirit to make good things happen.”

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