63 Interviews With People Who've Been Helped By Therapy

We have interviewed 63 people who have overcome struggles with the help of therapy. These stories show that therapy is one of the most powerful ways to overcome struggles of mental health.

Most recent stories of people helped by therapy

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Are you looking for stories on therapy?

I’ve interviewed 63 people who have been helped by therapy, and here are the top 5 struggles that these people have overcome:

  1. Anxiety (45 posts)
  2. Depression (36 posts)
  3. Childhood (16 posts)
  4. Stress (12 posts)
  5. PTSD (10 posts)

In our many years of publishing helpful mental health content, we always received questions from our readers about specific situations. While we have a lot of helpful tips to share on how to be happier, we simply can’t offer advice for every situation.

That’s why I’ve set out to interview folks with every type of mental health struggle. My job as an interviewer is to categorize these interviews and present them in a way that is most helpful to our readers.

Read all the case studies

Rita Vilhena Featured Image

How I Learned to Manage Depression and BPD Through Art and Self-Development

“Do not listen to people who have achieved nothing in life, especially if you are an overachiever and ambitious person, if you have a dream, run after your dream, God has plans for you and he gifted each one of us with something. My gift was in the arts and since I was 14 years old I’ve been after that dream, even if my own family has tried to “cut off” my legs. Fight for your dream, when things are being the hardest and you’re ready to quit, that is when you shouldn’t quit because big things are coming.”

Mona Kirstein Featured Image

How I Realized That I Experienced Narcissistic Abuse and My Journey of Healing

“I remember moments of feeling completely hopeless like I had no identity outside of my dysfunctional relationships. At my lowest, I numbed feelings with unhealthy habits. With support and inner work, I’ve realized my worth comes from within. Now I know approving of myself is what matters most.”

Morgan McCarthy Featured Image

How Cerebral Palsy Impacts My Mental Health And How I Find Happiness Nonethelss

“At my worst, I would hurt myself so I had an escape and a release. There are points where I feel so out of control in my body that even breathing is a task. I hold my breath. In truth, I have night terrors about what my funeral would be like, who would show up? Would I be missed? Would people come out of the woodwork when I was gone? If I left this body here would I hurt less? I battle every single day with loss. Your mind begins to play tricks on you.”

Lacey Cottingham Featured Image

My Story of Navigating Noise-Induced PTSD and Recovering With EMDR Therapy

“I realized the feeling of never being seen, never having someone at school ask or mention how not okay I was, and the sheer invisibility I felt had to be addressed. I went back for more EMDR and was able to resolve that pretty quickly as well. Because that was a more complex and subtle trauma, it took a few months longer, but definitely less than a year.”