Borderline Personality Disorder

Tatyana Frost Featured Image

Finding My Way Through Bipolar, BPD, and PTSD With Therapy and Medication

“Something that I wish I had known earlier in my mental health journey is that my mental illness does not need to define me. I stopped using the phrase ‘I am Bipolar/BPD’ and instead I say, ‘I have…’ I did this when I noticed how overidentifying with my diagnosis was hindering rather than helping me.”

Raneisha Stassin Featured Image

How I Got Better at Navigating BPD With Self-Care, Inner Work and Peer Support

“In the past, I didn’t understand my behavior or intense mood swings, but now I understand much of it is rooted in past trauma. Nearly everything in regard to close personal relationships can trigger or set me off. I often describe it as living life with no skin. Everything hurts and my brain interprets every single interaction as a threat or rejection.”

Katie Cosgrove Featured Image (1)

How Embracing Emotions Helps Me Live Happily Despite Navigating Losses & Depression

“Just because I’m mourning, doesn’t mean that I’m not happy in life. Being happy to me means accepting all of the emotions as they come without judgment. I still experience anxiety and depression but I no longer beat myself up about feeling those things.”

Rita Vilhena Featured Image

How I Learned to Manage Depression and BPD Through Art and Self-Development

“Do not listen to people who have achieved nothing in life, especially if you are an overachiever and ambitious person, if you have a dream, run after your dream, God has plans for you and he gifted each one of us with something. My gift was in the arts and since I was 14 years old I’ve been after that dream, even if my own family has tried to “cut off” my legs. Fight for your dream, when things are being the hardest and you’re ready to quit, that is when you shouldn’t quit because big things are coming.”

Rodrigo Interview Featured Image (2)

How Hitting Rock Bottom Started My Journey of Healing From BPD and Addiction

“Do you know how hard it is to be friends with a person who wants to kill themselves then 5 minutes later they’re ok? It’s draining. Well, I am that person. The struggle impacts me daily, however, last Saturday I had an epiphany that I’ve been working on and the days seem to be getting better.”