552 Articles From the Tracking Happiness Blog!

How to be happy? It’s one of the most frequently asked questions in life. Yet, it all seems so subjective and vague.

That’s about to change. We’re constantly publishing actionale tips based on the latest studies, to help you understand what happiness means. By understanding your own definition of happiness, you’ll actually be able to control your happiness more.

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Blog, Misc

Daylio Review – What You Can Learn From Tracking Your Mood

I’m reviewing Daylio, the best mood tracking app that is currently available for download on your smartphone. And that’s quite a thing to say for someone who has tracked his happiness for over 5 years! You can read about all the things that Daylio does really well here in this review.

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Blog, Misc

Examples of a Positive Mental Attitude and Why You Need It

Here’s a concept that will help you be happy despite the growing issues in this world: a Positive Mental Attitude. Our happiness is determined for a big part by our own decisions. We can control how we decide to react to things, which is something you can train based on these examples. This post shows you how to utilize your Positive Mental Attitude!

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Blog, Misc

Happiness Index: What is it and How does it work?

The Happiness Index is a single measure that indicates the happiness of a country. It sounds simple, but a lot of effort is required to calculate this number. This article is a quick introduction to this Happiness Index, and what you can learn from it.

happiness engineering model featured

Blog, Studies

Engineering A Happiness Prediction Model

This is the world’s first happiness prediction model. This essay explains how it’s been built from start to finish, with numerous animations and supporting visualizations. It’s actually the most in-depth happiness essay I’ve ever published.