Bipolar Disorder

Julijana Featured Image

My Bipolar Disorder Journey and How Therapy and Medication Help Me Navigate

“I wish I knew that I was worthy of the treatment and that everything I felt was valid. Because it is, no one is the same. Even with the same condition, we are all different.
I was scared of what was happening to me. I was full of hatred, sadness, guilt, disappointment in the world, etc., but sometimes I still am! And that’s valid.”

Tatyana Frost Featured Image

Finding My Way Through Bipolar, BPD, and PTSD With Therapy and Medication

“Something that I wish I had known earlier in my mental health journey is that my mental illness does not need to define me. I stopped using the phrase ‘I am Bipolar/BPD’ and instead I say, ‘I have…’ I did this when I noticed how overidentifying with my diagnosis was hindering rather than helping me.”

How I Overcame a Road Accident That Resulted in Depression and Suicidal Ideation

“I skidded on my face and tore ligaments in my knee and shoulder. Other injuries include several broken bones in my pelvis and my skull had a fracture from my hairline to the top of my head. It took several stitches to close up a head wound. I sustained a contrecoup head injury.”