54 Interviews With People Who've Been Helped By Self-improvement

We have interviewed 54 people who have overcome struggles with the help of self-improvement. These stories show that self-improvement is one of the most powerful ways to overcome struggles of mental health.

Most recent stories of people helped by self-improvement

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Are you looking for stories on self-improvement?

I’ve interviewed 54 people who have been helped by self-improvement, and here are the top 5 struggles that these people have overcome:

  1. Anxiety (31 posts)
  2. Depression (25 posts)
  3. Childhood (16 posts)
  4. Grief (9 posts)
  5. Panic attacks (8 posts)

In our many years of publishing helpful mental health content, we always received questions from our readers about specific situations. While we have a lot of helpful tips to share on how to be happier, we simply can’t offer advice for every situation.

That’s why I’ve set out to interview folks with every type of mental health struggle. My job as an interviewer is to categorize these interviews and present them in a way that is most helpful to our readers.

Read all the case studies

Sharanya Ramakrishnan Featured Image

How I Navigated Anxiety, Depression and Panic Attacks As I Settled Abroad in a New World

“The part that was hardest to deal with was waking up every day, for months, going through your day, and doing the bare minimum. Because I just could not find a reason to do anything. I did not have the energy to live my life and that crushed me the most.”

Beth Romero Featured Image

My Journey From Rock Bottom to Living With Intention and Cultivating Happiness Everyday

“Isolation, ruminating thoughts of my father dying by himself, alone and scared, surrounded only by occasional strangers in hazmatlike PPE clothing (this was a particularly effective form of emotional cutting and torture); junk food; not getting out of bed or showering; not answering my phone; and lots of wine—like red Solo cups full. I was a train wreck. Plain and simple.”

Raneisha Stassin Featured Image

How I Got Better at Navigating BPD With Self-Care, Inner Work and Peer Support

“In the past, I didn’t understand my behavior or intense mood swings, but now I understand much of it is rooted in past trauma. Nearly everything in regard to close personal relationships can trigger or set me off. I often describe it as living life with no skin. Everything hurts and my brain interprets every single interaction as a threat or rejection.”

Katie Cosgrove Featured Image (1)

How Embracing Emotions Helps Me Live Happily Despite Navigating Losses & Depression

“Just because I’m mourning, doesn’t mean that I’m not happy in life. Being happy to me means accepting all of the emotions as they come without judgment. I still experience anxiety and depression but I no longer beat myself up about feeling those things.”

My Journey From Moving Abroad and Loneliness to Finding Happiness in Myself

“Leaving my home country and studying abroad presented its own set of challenges. I experienced months of intense loneliness, barely leaving my student hall. I slept during the day, avoiding people for weeks. I felt emotionally numb, happy for others’ successes but powerless in my own life.”